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Eleya regarded Carbon for several seconds before she responded. "I have taken care of the problem, dear niece. What else would I have done?"

Carbon's demeanor shifted a bit, eyes burning as she raised her voice. "How did you do it?"

"I have married you and the young pilot." Eleya was remarkably nonchalant about that, given Carbon's reaction to her even knowing about their relationship before.

Alex was a quarter of a second behind the conversation because of his translator. It wasn't much but it only gave him enough time to make a sort of surprised guttural noise before Carbon exploded. "That is not what we discussed! That is illegal!"

"All of you, out." Eleya glanced over at the empty spot by the wall, eyes narrowed. "They will be fine, Captain."

The door opened on silent hinges, multiple barely visible forms following each other out. Impressive they managed to stay so clear while moving. As far as Alex was aware, the Human version of optically cloaked armor wasn't nearly so transparent unless still.

Eleya had returned to her liquor cabinet as they went, topping off her drink as silence filled the room after the door closed. "I was so moved after the young pilot confessed his blazing... Mmh, no. Enduring love for you that I made it legal. I oversaw the ceremony myself. That is the official story. It is much more elegant than what we discussed and I believe it will be taken well back home."

"Elegant!" Carbon took a step forward, the motion halting as soon as her foot hit the ground, no doubt well aware of Eleya's personal guard even if they were in the next room now. "A royal decree allowing-"

Eleya cut her off, voice sharp but not raised. "Do you think that would not be transparent? 'Oh yes, we're bringing one single human into the fold, to help with ongoing exploration efforts. Mmhm, the one was piloting the Kshlav'o when it was shot down. And yes, Shipmaster Tshalen will be coming with him for some reason, even though none of the ships are large enough to warrant a Shipmaster.' You are smarter than that, dearest niece."

"It's a reasonable thought to bring him in, given his expertise." Carbon faltered, but was still much louder than normal, ears still set back and ready for a fight. "Though the expedition was cut short, we still found significant assets that need proper investigation, it's fitting that we would be placed in that fleet. Your desire for propaganda could be filled with that - despite the destruction of the Kshlav'o, our duty to the Tsla'o people has not ended."

The Empress let her speak her piece this time, patient while Carbon unspooled a bit of rope. "And when you can't hide the truth anymore? What lie shall you spin then? What more lies would you weave, instead of an easy truth? Should we say he has... special exploration abilities that only you can call forth in him? Although. That is a truth as well, is it not?" That little smirk came back.

There was a half a second where, if the two of them were not separated by about ten feet and possibly someone in power armor still hiding in here, Alex thought Carbon would have taken a swing at her. The way her body tensed, fist actually coming back for a moment, spoke volumes. Her words were clipped when she replied. "It will not be a problem. I can keep my secrets."

Eleya cocked her head the the side, gently shaking it, the smirk that had been tugging at the corner of her muzzle gone. "You cannot. I do not say that to hurt you, it is the truth."

Carbon spit out something that was flagged as untranslatable. "What do you know of me?"

"When you were delivering your report on the expedition and its untimely end, do you know what you were doing?" Eleya's demeanor shifted and set her glass down. She fixed Carbon with a stern gaze and folded her arms over her chest.

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