Chapter 2: arriving at the burrow

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We finally reached the burrow Harry said we should go their first that they could offer us a place to stay.

"Hello?" A squeaky women's voice answered.

"It's Harry!" Harry answered.

"Oh Harry!" She opened the door and pulled harry into a tight squeeze.

"And who is this?" The women with blazing red wavy hair asked.

"I'm Harry's aunt...Corrine Evans." I replied.

"Gasp! Oh my come in! Come in!" She pulled us both inside.

"Arthur! Kids! Ron! Hermione!" The women called.

"I'm mrs.Weasley old are you?"

"21." I replied.

"Oh well in that case you can call me Molly if you prefer."

I smiled. Then a lot more red heads came trampling downstairs.

One had bushy brown hair.

Another had long silky red hair.

They were the only girls besides me and Molly.

Then there was a buff shaggy red hair boy.

And then 2 tall boys who I'm guessing are twins.

"Who are y-" the bushy hair girl began to ask.

"This is Corrine Evans...Harry's aunt."

"Aunt?" The silky red head asked.

"Where is Harry anyway?" A twin asked.

Harry stepped out from behind me.

Harry was quite short actually I was do tall and his father and even his mother were all pretty tall.

"I'm right here!" Harry smiled.

"Harry!" The silky red head chanted.

They all came up and hugged tight. I wished I could do the same. I mean for crying out loud I've lived alone for...well EVER!

"I'm Hermione!" The bushy girl stuck out her hand interrupting my thoughts.

"Hi!" I greeted.

"I'm Ginny!" The silky red head greeted.

I smiled.

"I'm Ron!" The buff shaggy red head greeted.

I smiled and shook his sweaty hand.

"In Fred!"

"I'm George!" The twins grinned.

I shook there hands. They quite cute actually.


"Dinner!" Mrs.Weasley called up to us.

I was talking to Harry Ron and Hermione in a room. I was telling them my story and finishing it up

when dinner was ready.

I sat down in between Hermione and Harry. Ginny sat in front of me and Ron next to Hermione.

After dinner I walked into the room I was to share with Hermione.

We put a curtain in the middle of the room to give us our own space.

"Are you tired?" Hermione asked pushing a needle in the curtain.

"Yawn...yes I am." I was ready to fall on my bed and close my eyes.

I putt last pen in and sat down on my bed.

"Lets go to bed." I suggested.

"Yes." Hermione agreed.

We slid the curtain shut.

I put my grey sleep shirt and some soft lime green pajama pants on. I pulled my curly black hair into sloppy ponytail.

I collapsed into my bed and shut my eyes.

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