Chapter 6: the half blood prince

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I stood in the potions room waiting for the students to arrive.

"So here's what I want you to do." Slughorn began.

"I need you to make sure all the potions are ready and while the class is making them just...well help them." He finished.

"Okay great!" I said walking towards the potions.

I stirred one of them and poured another called liquid luck into a bottle.

"Very good! Very good!" Slughorn admired.

I smiled at him. He was very sweet actually I liked him.

The first class that came in was 6th year gryffindor and slytherin students.

I saw that kid from the train. I had learned his name from Harry.

I think it was Draco Malfoy.

He looked very pale on the time.


"What are you doing here?" Draco approached me.

"Haven't you heard? I'm the assistant!" I told him.

What a Jerk!

"You think your such a row model...but your not so great because your Potters aunt!" Draco snickered.

He made me so mad I was ready to smack him right across the face but instead I smiled at him.

Then I remembered I could take points...

"5 points from slytherin!" I called.

"What?!" Draco asked angrily.

"You heard me! 5 points from slytherin!" I repeated.

"You think your so powerful but your not!" Draco snapped.

"Sit down Draco!" I demanded.

"Fine. If that's what you want princess!" He bowled and I drew out my wand.

"What're you gonna do?" He whimpered.

"Ahhh! Princess has a wand! Help me!" He said sarcastically.

"Shut up!" I said.

"Shut can't go up princess!" He smarted off.

"Yeah but your jaw can!" I replied angrily.

Draco glared at me and walked away to his seat giving up.

I saw Harry smiling out of the corner of my eye.

I smiled victoriously.

Class began and Slughorn showed everyone the potions he laid out.

Hermione knew the answers to all his questions pretty much.

"Now I want you all to make this potion and you will be rewarded with a bottle of liquid luck!" Slughorn said.

The students walked off.

"Your doing great!"

"You might want to press harder on that!"

"Go ahead and stir that!"

I instructed and encouraged the students while they made there potions.

"Harry can I see that book?" I snuck up on Harry...he jumped a little.

"What-? No!" He snapped.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"It's special!" He replied.



"Then why does it have ink all over it?" I questioned him.


"Of course! Now let me see it!" I demanded.

"Fine." Harry handed over the potions book.

I flipped through it. The beginning said it was property to the Half Blood Prince.

"Who's the Half Blood Prince?" I asked expecting him to know.

"I dunno." He shrugged his shoulders.


"We should inform Dumbledore." I suggested.


"Why not?!" Man I was asking a lot of questions.

"Because I think I should find out first...Dumbledores already busy with my lessons I don't wish to bother him further." He explained.

"I'm sure." I smiled and walked to the front of the room.


"How was your lesson with Dumbledore?" Hermione asked watching Harry sit on a chair in the gryffindor common room.

I liked to hang out there. I am aloud to so what the heck?!

I studied his green eyes...he had black circles under them that got me worried.

"Is Dumbledore working you to hard?" I asked in concern for him.

"What? No!" He kept saying.

I never believed him though. It must be an aunt thing.

Tomorrow we sign the legal guardian papers so I'll be his legal guardian!

Happy! Happy!

Towards the end of the year I'm gonna leave Hogwarts and start looking for a stable home for us. Harry meant so much to me now I wanted him to know that.

"Harry I think you should destroy that potions book." I suggested.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because it seems...dangerous." I replied.

"I think different." He argued.


"I agree!" Hermione and Ginny stepped in.

"I know I should but I...I just can't! Do you understand?"

"Yes but I still think you should get rid of it Harry!" I stood up and put my hand out for the book.

"No!" He pulled the book close to his chest.


"No! I can't!"

" have a week to figure who this Half Blood Prince is." I told him.

"I need longer!"

"Fine you have until I leave at the end of the year." I thought that was reasonable.

"Good." Harry left the room.

I decided to go to my room to.

"Half Blood Prince?"

Authors note:

Just so all the people who are reading this know I HATE Percy Jackson!

Thank you very much!

Corrine EvansWhere stories live. Discover now