Chapter 3: a hogwarts invatation

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I walked along the creek at the burrow. It was warm today. It was a nice day to stay outside.

Tomorrow Hermione,Harry,Ron and Ginny are going to Hogwarts.

At least I had Fred and George. I just met my nephew that I always dreamed of finding but of course he has to go to school.

I'll miss him...

"Corrine!" Hermione,Ron and Harry came up to me.

"What t'is it?" I asked.

"It's a note for you...from Hogwarts." Hermione answered.

"Hogwarts?" I asked confused.

"Yes." Hermione confirmed handing me the letter.

I read it:

Dear miss Corinne Evans,

Us at Hogwarts are aware of your presence and we have no doubt that you will make the best guardian. We wish that you only grow closer to your nephew. So we offer you a assistance job at Hogwarts. You will be an extra member of the staff and will be attending Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

You will be assisting professor slug horn in potions.

If you will right back your choice soon.

I apologize for the late offer

Sincerely yours,

Albus Dumbledore.

I read the note out loud to Hermione,Ron and Harry.

"That's great!" Ron said.

Harry sat down beside me and looked at me.

"Are you going to accept it?" Harry asked.

"Sigh...I don't know..."

"Well you need to know tomorrow's when we go to Hogwarts." Hermione reminded me.

"I know...I'll decide tonight." I got up and left.

Should I accept? What would I do? I've never been to a witchcraft and wizardry school before.


Oh Corinne what should I do?

I needed to decide tonight or else I might not be able to attend.

I sat in our room. Hermione had already gone to bed. I was tired but needed to write this Dumbledore back.

I started to write back not really knowing my decision yet.

I mean I probably knew but wasn't sure. If I went I would be with Harry and I would have a lot more company.

Oh well...I decided I would go.

I wrote:

Dear Albus Dumbledore,

I have accepted your offer. I would indeed love to attend Hogwarts as an insistent. I would go with Ron,Hermione,Harry and Ginny on the train tomorrow right? I will see you at Hogwarts.

Sincerely yours,

Corrine Evans.

I gave it to Harry's owl Hedwig and he left.

I pulled on my light pink shirt and cozy white pants pulled my hair up and went to sleep.


I woke up the next morning and Hermione was dressed and shaking me awake.

"Corrine! Corrine!" She shouted in my ear.

"What?" I mumbled sleepily.

"We have to catch the train! Get up!" She was leaving the room.

"And hurry!" She shouted from down the hall.

"Ok! Ok!" I said getting up to get dressed.

I threw on a white sun dress and grey leggings and slid on some black Tom flats. I put a short sleeve sweater over the sleeveless drees.

My hair was down with a grey stretchy head band in it.

I ran down stairs to see every one crowding the kitchen and grabbing food.

I had already packed everything.

I grabbed a peace if toast and poured a glass of milk.

By the time we reached the train station it was around 9:30.

The train was supposed to leave at 9:45. We ran threw the wall to get to platform 9 3/4.

The train was long,red and black. Harry,Hermione,Ron and Ginny were all ready boarding the train.

"Corrine!" Harry shouted from one of the train entrances.

"Coming!" I shouted back lifting up my suit case.

I walked onto the train with them.

Ginny went to sit with her boyfriend Dean.

I sat in a compartment with Ron,Hermione and Harry.

"Are you excited?" Hermione asked as the train started.

"I guess." I smiled.

"And you'll be here all year?" Harry asked he had grown close to me like I'm his mother.

And I loved him like a son.

"Hey Potter!" I pale white headed kid walked into the compartment.

"I see you got a new girlfriend!" He smirked.

"I'm actually his aunt!" I told him standing up from my seat protectively.

"Aunt?" He dropped his smirk.

"Yes aunt!" Harry to stood up.

"Yeah right!" He glared and left the compartment.

Then an owl flew threw the window.

I untied the letter tied to his leg.

I read it out loud:

Dear miss Corrine,

I am aware you are probably already on the train. But I want to let you know you will arrive and I will meet you at the gate.

Sincerely yours,

Albus Dumbledore.

"Ok!" I smiled and folded thee tree back up.

I wrote a new letter.

Dear Albus Dumbledore,

I will arrive at the gate and meet you there I will talk the rest of our conversation with you when I arrive.

Sincerely yours,

Corrine Evans.

I folded the letter up and tied it to the owls leg.

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