Bye Conor

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Sorry it's taken so long to write guys and sorry it's so short x

I hit the end call button and smiled, the only news can be good news right?  

I went back into my bunk and pulled the door of my wardrobe open, black skinnys, tracker jacket and my white top with Will Smiths face on. Good combo. I posed into the mirror, took a photo and put it on instagram 'Getting some news from my girl soon #exited'  

I watched as the likes rolled in, it's unbelievable to say I was once the freckle faced kid from Brighton with no female attention at all and now? Well now is totally different! I read most of the comments "Conor I love you!" "You're gorgeous asdfghjkl" what does asdfghjkl even mean? Lets hope it's good! Then one comment "ooh tell us what El has to say!" What about if El was my girl?

*Anths POV*

I woke up and uncurled myself from the warmth that was ellie. She looked so pretty when she slept, she looked pretty all the time if I'm honest. I walked to the fridge and took a swig from the carton of orange juice. "Ew...." Orange juice before brushing teeth is a no no. I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and got washed. Fresh, I smiled and winked at my self in the mirror. Making my way back to where El was sleeping I bumped into Becky.  

"Sorry." I said not even looking at her.  

"Oh it's fine baby. You can bump me any time" she smiled.  

"S'cuse me?" I took a double take "what about Conor?"  

"What about him? He wouldn't have to know. Don't lie that you like Ellie baby" she Pushed up against me "I know who you really want. I've seen the way you look at me" she pushed her lips to mine.

*Els POV*

I heard Becky walk through the door, her heels clicking on the floor. I kept my eyes closed not in the mood to bother with that cow bag this morning.Someone bumped into Becky.  

"Sorry." He said. It was Anth.  

"Oh it's fine baby. You can bump me any time" I could hear the sly tone  

"S'cuse me?" Anth gasped "what about Conor?" I opened one of my eyes and saw Becky pushing herself onto Anth. I slowly moved my arm down my leg and into the pocket of my jack wills bottoms, pulling out my phone I clicked my camera button and switched it to record. Pressing the red button I closed my eyes again. Listening to them talk.  

"What about him? He wouldn't have to know. Don't lie that you like Ellie baby" how dare she "I know who you really want. I've seen the way you look at me" By the silence then I'm guessing they were kissing.  

"Get off me you utter SLUT!" Anth pushed Becky away, "El is a thousand times the woman you are!"  

I sat up and Conor ran in. "Anth?" Conor looked "get out" I looked at Conor with my mouth wide open "you are not my friend if you can't respect my girlfriend"  

"Respect?!" I said  

"How dare you call her a slut Anth! Get out." Conor pointed at the door.  

"Conor no. She kissed him, she did I was right here!" I yelled 

"Conor mate, she did I promise" 

"No! Baby I would never do that to you. He came onto me, saying that he was a thousand times the man than you, he pushed himself against me baby. I didn't know what to do" she gripped his arm.  

"YOU COMPLETE AND UTTER SLAG I FUCKING HATE YOU!" I flung myself at Becky, pulling her hair. The tangles of black came out in my hands. She ended up on the floor with me on top, punching her.  

"ELLIE!" Anth pulled me off and Conor grabbed Becky. Don't know why, she wouldn't dare hit me.  

Becky sobbed into Conors shoulder. "Here have your extensions back" I spat and threw them at her feet.  

"Ellie. Get out."  


"You heard me. I never want to see you again"  

"Conor please. Can't you see what she's doing to us? We never spend anytime together anymore. You left me for her. You don't believe me when I said she kissed him. I spent OUR movie night with Anth. You don't care anymore"  

Conor didn't reply.  

Anth and I grabbed our cases and left the tour bus.  

Bye Conor.

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