Friend Zoned

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*Conor's POV *

"you cold El?" I asked her after feeling her shiver. "Urm ... yes!" she replied, nudging closer. "come on then" I said pulling her so she was laying on me. Does she know the feeling she gives me?! My stomach felt like a large knot. "Ellie?" I asked. "yes?" she replied pulling up making me instantly regret saying anything, I wanted her laying on me again. Shut up Conor Paul Maynard! She is your BEST FRIEND nothing more OK?! Ok. "Yes?" she said agin knowing I'd gone of in a day dream. " Well... Are you 18 now and finished school?" I started. "you know how old I am and yes I finished college today. Why?" she asked. Mystery filling her eyes. Her lovely green eyes. No! "Well I asked my manager and he said you can come on tour with us! If you want that is?" 

"YES!" She screamed the reply and lunged at me again. "yes yes yes yes yes YES!" she grinned. That smile... STOP IT CONOR!

*El's POV*  

"When are we going? What do I need? Should I bring some like fancy clothes incase we do anything important?" I babbled out. "Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down speedy gonzali! We go in a week and bring what ever. I called my manger and told him that it won't cost anymore because we'll share a room like before when I slept over-" 

'Oh My God we use to sleep in the same bed! Calm El calm..' My thoughts went mad.  

"And I'll be paying for everything so don't bother with the money side of things" informed Conor. "But I can't let you buy everything! Your already taking me on tour!"  

" What are best mates for eh?" he replied with a cheeky grin.  

My stomach dropped. Best friends. FRIEND ZONED BIACH

*Conor's POV*

Shit i said best friends. Friends. F- R-I-E-N-D-S. God I'm a tool.  

I saw Els face fall. Was she upset I said friends? Ooh.  

"Yeh but ill bring some money anyway ya no" said El braking the awkward silence.  

"Ok." I replied "whatever you want"  

"When are we going?" She smiled 

"Tomorrow!" I grinned  

"Oh My God you're telling me now?" She said her eyes wide."I have to pack you douche!"  

"Haha language missy! And yeh I'm telling you now, would you have preferred me to tell you the day were leaving?" She just glared at me.  

"I'm going to pack! You staying over?" She asked. YES! I screamed inside.  

"Urm yeh. Whatever." I tried to say as casually as I could. I looked back at the tv blushing. I heard Ellie leave and let out a long sigh.

*Els POV*

I closed my bedroom door and let out a long sigh. I can't let the feeling of being friend zoned put me down. This was going to be the best time of my life. Quality time with the best friend. I pulled out two large suit cases from under my double bed. In one was going to be shoes, hair things, make up, wash bag and things if I got my monthly gift from Mother Nature aha and 2 sets of pjs and my onesie. The other, clothes. I pulled everything out of my wardrobe and piled it in. Skinnys, shorts, skirts, two gorgeous dresses and a play suit. My best Holister and Jack Wills tops, more tops, baggy ones, fitted ones, my long sleeved denim one, basically everything I owned. I added a couple of bikinis just in case and some razors if I did wear my shorts. Which i probably will. I zipped up my suitcase and got in the shower for the second time today. I wanted to be fresh faced for tomorrow.

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