Anth Melo

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*Conor's POV* 

I heard El shout my name, it was eleven o'clock and I was really tired. Yeh i know what your thinking ... Dirty stop out! Haha. I walked upstairs and saw her brushing through her freshly dried hair. Her hair wasn't naturally straight but the bounce made her look even more amazing. She was wearing an over sized jumper and some pj shorts that could only just be seen under the jumper. She looked gorgeous. No joke.  

"You sleeping in my bed like old times or on the floor like the peasant you are?" She winked, a smirk on her face.  

"Oh hush peasant! Just because my voice caresses the highest clouds." I put on my best posh voice. She started laughing and her face lit up.  

"Haha you strange boy!"  

"And I don't care I'll sleep wherever" I secretly hoped she would let me sleep in her bed. No not because I'm a perv. I've missed her. We use to always share a bed when we slept over. We both caught chicken pox at the same time and our mums put us in bed together. I've just missed her.  

"My bed it is then, I've missed you."  

I just smiled.

*Els POV*

"EL!" I heard Conor shout. "EL HElP ME!" Everywhere was black and I could hear Conor shouting me. 


"CONOR! Where are you?!" My best friend was hurt and needed me.  

"EL!" Tears streamed down my face with his call.  

"CONOR!" I pleaded with the darkness.  

"El...." There was a last shout until nothing. Complete silence. Tears just kept falling. A white light appeared in the distance. A boy with brown hair started singing. "You know that I could use somebody... Someone like you..." His sweet voice filled my ears. I gradually awoke and saw Conor singing his cover of use somebody. This was my favourite song he had ever sung. It makes me cry watching him sing it. So much emotion.  

"Hey stranger, you better now?" He asked when he noticed I was awake.  

"What was your bad dream about?" He asked.  

"How did you know?" I said.  

"You were tossing around, when we were younger I sung you that and it always calmed you down. It worked then too. You stopped moving about once I started." 

"Thanks'' I smiled.  

"Anything for you, sing with me?" He asked. I only ever sang with him, I really don't think I can sing but Conor never complains. I loved his voice. I joined in when it got to the chorus. But I mostly listened to him.  

"You should sing for others El" said Conor after we finished.  

"I can't sing Conor" I answered  

"I know I'm right El"  

"Yeh and i know your not" I stuck my tongue out at him and he threw a pillow at me. "Oh!" I scoffed.  

I was about to throw one back when he said "don't you dare or you won't come on Tour! Go get ready!" I pouted at him and left to get changed and do my hair. I pulled on my grey Vans top and my denim shorts. I straightened my ginger hair and fringe and pulled on my denim vans. I put on my white ice watch, keep calm and play louder McFly bracelet and my team GB bracelet which I wore every day. Added some mascara and foundation and I was done. Conor was ready too as he had cunningly brought an over night bag. He was wearing his black skinny jeans, white polo top and jock style jacket and some Nike high tops. He looked handsome. We were ready.

*Conor's POV*

"That's big Dave," I told El pointing to my body guard. He was a very tall large muscly black man with dreadlocks, a gruff voice but a seriously cool guy. He was sorted. No joke. But then again, you wouldn't want to pass him in a dark ally way. He's my body guard, yeh watch out bitches!  

"Hello El," said Big Dave as he took Els tiny hand in his huge paw " nice to meet ya! Call me Big D" he smiled.  

"Hey big D! Nice to meet you too!" El grinned back, "god what you got in 'ere" strained Big D as he placed Els 2 suitcases in the tour bus. " basically my whole wardrobe, sorry!" She replied sheepishly. Ah she's so cute! Shut up Conor!

"Welcome home! Well for the next couple of months anyway" I told El as I showed her the bunks. Basically the tour bus we would be living on had 4 bunks, a bathroom and a living space with a kitchen on the side. Not much but it would be good.  

"And here's the bathroom" I finished off. 

"Your expecting me to get showered in here!? I can bearly sit on the toilet never mind get a shower!" El exclaimed. "I mainly get showered at the venues so I'm sure they will let you too" I replied. "Why four bunks C?" El asked. "Oh yeh well Anth may be joining us at some concerts"

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