Chapter 73: The Gates are Open

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As the Fairy Tail team was celebrating with the giants, Minerva returned her current base, but was confused by what she found.

Minerva: Wh-What the world?

Minerva: Wh-What happened here?! Where did everyone go?

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Minerva: Wh-What happened here?! Where did everyone go?

She noticed something on the floor. A sort of thin, paper like figure of which there were many sprawled out across the floor.

Minerva: What is this?

Lots: Damn shame. Lots spoke up, surprising Minerva. I was really liking this place too.

Minerva: Lots! What's going on?

Lots: Oh, them? Just a little experiment. Ain't that right, sis?

???: Yes.

Minerva: Who are you?!

???: This one's magic makes humans stronger. But, not all are worthy. The weaklings, become that.

 The weaklings, become that

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Kyoka: This one is Kyoka. One of the Nine Demon Gates of Tartaros.

Minerva: 'Tartaros?! It can't be. that news of our failure to protect the village has, already reached them?!' You would take such drastic action over the loss of a single village?

Kyoka: Of what do you speak? This one has no memory of any such village.

Lots: You got it wrong, Minerva. Silver was acting on his own for this one. Don't know why and come to think of it, I really don't care.

Kyoka: This one has already spoken of her purpose here. To strengthen Humans. In the coming days, we will execute a massive operation. This one is here under the master's orders to muster our forces.

Minerva: These wizards should have been your soldiers. What fool does that to her own troops?!

Kyoka: Those unsuitable for strengthening are of no value to us. The question is, are you?

Minerva: Stop...don't...

Lots: Hmph!

With a wave of his arm, Lots freezes Minerva in a block of ice, trapping her.

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