Chapter 8: Out of the shadows into the light

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Tony sat in the really uncomfortable chair and spun around, scanning the old and messy office. He shook his head; he really should make sure she gets a better office. Something to fit her talents.

When Tony finished scanning the room, he leaned back in the chair and began losing himself in thought.

Waking up next to Carol felt good to Tony. It had been a while since he stayed in bed after waking up. It was nice to have someone to talk to.

Carol had her head on Tony's chest.

She looked up at him with a smile and asked, "What's on the agenda today?"

Tony smiled back at her before saying thoughtfully, "The week deadline is not leaving me a lot of time. I need to work on recruitment today, so I will be traveling around."

Carol looked a little disappointed, and then Tony realized she had nothing to do yet. But he had the perfect job for her. "Actually..." Tony began excitedly, "I need a favor or two if you're free today."

Either Carol was a great actor or she really wasn't that impressed with that. Tony cleared his throat and explained, "I have two candidates that you will be the better choice to approach. What do you say?"

Carol's smile returned. Huh, Tony will never get women. She quickly agreed, and both of them left the bed with their goals clear in mind.

Tony also had a conversation with Rhodey in the morning. Well, a conversation if you consider constant teasing about a certain blonde one. But still, Tony was happy to see his brother walking around as if nothing had happened.

Vision's guilt diminished greatly as well after seeing his friend walking around.

Tony even managed to sneak in to visit Laura and the mini-agents. He was glad...

Tony's line of thought was cut when the handle of the door turned and in walked a woman. She had long dark hair, a T-shirt with a black leather jacket on top, jeans, and boots. Her face had her usual depressed expression, but when she saw him sitting in her chair, it went from shock to exasperation.

She frowned and asked, "Really, Tony? I just finished a job for you, and you already have something else for me?"

Tony put on an offended look. "Oh Jess, am I paying you so poorly? If you want a raise, just say so."

Jessica picked one of the bottles around her office and began drinking. After a moment, she raised an eyebrow at him and said, "So you do have a new job for me?"

Tony smirked at her. "Well, yes. But it's a big one."

Jessica pulled the chair across from him, sat down, and put her boots on the desk between them. "Oh?" was her only response.

Tony stood up and looked down at her. "I want you to become an Avenger."

Jessica spat the vodka she had in her mouth and began laughing. Once she calmed down and saw Tony's serious face, she pulled an odd face before saying, "You gotta be shitting me. You want me in the Avengers?"

Tony shrugged. "Not just you. I was hoping you could convince your other three friends."

Jessica stared at him like he was crazy. "Yeah, Rogers must have beaten the sense out of you. Why do you think we will join the Avengers, and for that matter, why do you even want us?"

Tony leaned on the windows behind him. "Well, Danny will probably love the company. He was always the social one. Luke could use his new status to advance his ideals for his community. I'm sure there are many Avengers who would like to help as well. Matt just opened a new practice with his friend and girlfriend. I can hire all three of them as a cover for him. And you, well, you..." Tony waved his hand around the room. "You get an upgrade. An office and an apartment in the tower. And as to why, well, I need a replacement for Widow's battle skills, and Daredevil is far beyond her. I need someone with mystical knowledge, Danny. And I need a good investigator, which is where you come in. And finally, Luke is the replacement for Captain America the world needs. He doesn't have to carry a shield to be invulnerable, and he cares for everyone. Your team is awesome. I told you all this a couple of years ago too."

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