Mira: GDM152

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It was late at night and Mira was alone in her room, logging into the Computer Science department's tutoring portal, waiting for the messages from her tutor to load.

Mira loved getting messages from her tutor. They had stopped talking about data structures ages ago and were now talking about TV shows, movies, public transit, and food. But it was all coming to an end.

The program only lasted as long as the semester, and the semester was about to end in a few weeks.

Mira didn't want to let go of her tutor. She liked them. She had even developed a bit of a crush on them. The problem was that she had no idea who they were.

The tutoring program was completely anonymous and she only knew her tutor by their code: GDM152. And likewise her tutor only knew her as BRX234. Mira didn't even know if her tutor was a guy or a girl.

Technically there was nothing stopping Mira from asking her tutor who they were, but she was too scared to ask. She was scared that her tutor would someone she didn't like, like the douche with the Union Jack hoodie or the arrogant guy with the fedora. She knew she couldn't be like Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail, and just accept a douche who had put her out of business on purpose!

The new message from her tutor loaded up. None of it had to do with data structures; it was all about Torchwood and Captain Jack Harkness. Mira had convinced her tutor to watch the show and now her tutor was invested!

Mira was happy that she had made her tutor happy. She smiled and got ready to send a reply. This was OK for now. And even if she never spoke to them again after the semester was over, at least she had spent this time with them, and that was OK.

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