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"But did you see the flares in the sky?
Were you blinded by the light?
Did you feel the smoke in your eyes?
Did you, did you?
Did you see the sparks filled with hope?
You are not alone
'Cause someone's out there, sending out flares."

Flares by The Script.

The Avengers sat in anticipation to the Queen's arrival, some more open to the idea than others

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The Avengers sat in anticipation to the Queen's arrival, some more open to the idea than others. Daenerys however was in her chambers, putting on a silk dress that the Director had acquired for her from her request.

"Man," Clint began, sitting up and hunching over the conference table with his head in his hands, "are royals always this late?"

Everyone looked at the clock in front of them seeing how the Queen was in fact a half hour late for their meeting, but Fury wasn't in annoyance at all with the newest addition to their team, "trust me, it'll be worth your while, Barton,"

He sighed in aggravation, leaning back in his chair, "I'm staring to think otherwise," he muttered, as Tony clapped him on the back.

"Man, I like this girls style," he spoke from beside the archer, "if you want to make an entrance, sometimes you gotta defy the laws of time my friend," he continued, pointing to his golden cartier watch in the process.

"We've already got two that've defied the laws of time," Clint argued back gesturing to Thor and Steve, both who put their heads down staying out of the confrontation, "I think we've had our fill,"

Natasha just scoffed and simultaneously rolled her eyes at him from across the room, "maybe your right, but I could sure as hell use another woman around here instead of being stuck with you morons,"

"Morons?" Banner spoke with a smirk from beside her, "that's all the mighty widow has in her, morons?" He teased, making her shove him in the side as he groaned in pain.

"Does that make my point any clearer?" She sassed back, as he adjusted his chair to move away from her.

"This ain't a code green, Romanoff," Fury scolded the agent, who simply just rolled her eyes once more and placed her feet on the conference table, fingers fiddling at her suit.

"Daenerys Targaryen may just be able to help our sorry asses finally take down HYDRA," Fury spoke sternly to the entire group, "and at this moment in time we need all the hope we can get, so shut your pie holes and smile,"

With that, the sound of Maria Hill entering the room echoed around them, with an enchanting Stormborn Queen behind her walking in a formal manner, her silver tresses flowing behind her along with the train of her gown.

She was flawless to the group, and instantaneously held their attention. She walked with royal intent, and stopped once she was at the head of the table turning to the Avengers.

Clint, Tony and Bruce all in turn sat with their jaws hanging open, completely encompassed by her presence. Steve sat also enchanted by the Queen, but tended to be professional about the situation in order to avoid making her uncomfortable. In other words, he wasn't gawking like a fool.

Thor sat smiling at the Queen, for he now wasn't the only Avenger from a distant land of charm and magic. Natasha also sat smiling at the Queen surprisingly, knowing that from what she saw of her the other day, she was happy to have a kick-ass woman join her on the team.

And Director Fury and Maria Hill simply stood overlooking the scene with smirks set across their faces, as Nick turned to Maria, "you two are late, Hill," he spoke, and before Maria could reply, Daenerys answered for her.

"For a Queen is never late," she started, crossing her arms proudly over her chest, "everyone else is simply early, Director - so please excuse Lady Hill," she spoke, placing a dainty hand on Maria's shoulder.

Maria mouthed a thankyou to the Queen who simply returned with a humble nod. She turned to the Avengers who still sat aghast, "Director, is there something the matter with my presence?"

Fury looked in confusion towards the Queen, and stepped forward to stand at her side, "why would their be a problem, your Grace?" He asked, as the Queen looked at the Avengers and then back to Fury.

"Your...minstrels seem to be taking great interest in staring at me," she spoke, referring to the brightly coloured costumes from the team that reminded her of minstrels that used to entertain her and her advisors, "do they have psychological impediments?"

This made both Natasha and Hill burst out into a fit of giggles, as the others came out of their trances and turned to their colleagues, "I knew I'd like her," Nat spoke, as Hill appeared behind her.

"Gentleman, Ladies - this is Daenerys Targaryen, former Queen of Westeros, the Stormborn, The Breaker of Chains and the Mother of Dragons," Fury spoke introducing the Queen, "glad to see that you all share a mutual interest in our newest addition, Gentlemen," he smirked.

Tony stood from his chair and advanced on the Queen, holding out a hand making sure to flash his watch as he went, "Tony Stark, but you already knew that," he spoke in his usual cocky manner.

The Queen laughed and clasped her hands together, tilting her head to the side, "unfortunately not...Tony Stark," she spoke, moved out of his company over to Thor who stood to introduce himself.

"For I am Thor, Son of Odin of the Planet Asgard," he introduced, bowing before the Queen who nodded with sincerity at him, "my family told me stories of the Targaryen's, the Dragon which has three heads," he spoke in awe.

She smiled again and placed her hand over onto his, "all of the good stories, I hope," she spoke, as he nodded before she moved to Steve.

"Captain Steve Rogers, ma'am," he spoke, offering her a hand which she took this time, giving him a firm shake.

"It's an honor, Captain," she spoke, giving him a nod which made him blush before she made her way over to Bruce who she had encountered on her first day awake in the modern lands.

"Dr Banner, I thank you kindly for the medical attention I received from your healing hands," she smiled, as Bruce just nodded with a stutter.

"N-No problem," he answered, moving aside so that Natasha and the Queen were in front of one another, studying each other as they went.

"And to you, Agent Romanoff," she started, "I hear that you played a role in the healing also, please accept my thanks," she spoke, as Natasha nodded, shaking her hand in a more friendly manner.

"Call me Natasha," she replied, as the Queen nodded with a smile that mirrored the agent's.

"As long as you call me Daenerys," she spoke, moved past a nodding Natasha to Clint who stood behind her.

"Agent Barton," she acknowledged, moving to shake his hand, "sorry about my defiance of time, I guess I had a late start this daybreak," she spoke with a smirk, leaning towards him.

"How did you-" he asked, but the Queen simply tapped the new Bluetooth in her left ear and moved to the side, holding back to say one more thing to Clint who stood taken a-back.

"And it's Your Grace to you," she spoke finally, making Natasha let out a chuckle from beside him, leaving him speechless.

Fury smirked, and smacked his hands on the table, "now that you're all acquainted, I think we should work on the mission in hand," he suggested, sliding a manila folder towards the Queen who stopped it with ease.

"My thoughts exactly."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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