Chapter 20

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The moment Elinor stepped out of the wheelhouse, she immediately took Helaena's hand and stomped her way to the council room, knowing that's exactly where Aemond would be.

The staff and guards all gave the two woman, well mostly Elinor, a questionable look once they all saw the raw fish on her face and neck.

She burst through the doors of the council room, Helaena standing behind her, "My queen-" Elinor went Lord Jasper a glare and turned to Aemond, "You! This is all because of you!"

Elinor was furious and she swore that if Aemond were to do so much as laugh she'd get violent. "Look at Helaena" she turned to Helaena whom was lost in her own world.

"Look at me! They slur mine and Alicents name in the streets, this is all your fucking fault" Aemond studied her appearance and did the worst thing possible. He snickered.

That fueled Elinor's rage and she attacked him, punched him against his already bruised cheek, two guards came running and pulled the queen from Aemond.

Unknowingly she elbowed one of them in the nose and he staggered back, Aemond stood up and pushed her away from him, "I hate you!" she yelled at him as two other guard came pulling her away before she could do any more harm to their Prince Regent.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!" Elinor yelled as the guards pulled her away, "Let go of me!"


Elinor never thought of leaving before but now? Now she desperately wanted to get away from anyone. But how could she, she cannot leave Aegon nor did she have a place to go.

She climbed out of the warm bath the maidens had drawn up for her and wrapped herself in the robe.

Sitting down at her vanity she stared at herself in the mirror, she eyed the bruise and raised her hand to touch it.

She should've escaped to Rhaenyra long ago, they should've just escape.

She shook off the thoughts and dressed herself in a plain green dress with silver dragon stitching and made her way outside for fresh air.

She walked out the castle to the balcony which, if you looked down you could see the training yard but today no one was training.

She took in a deep breath of air and closed her eyes, as she exhaled she opened her eyes and leaned over looking down to the yard.

Ser Martyn and Leon were brought forward, forced down onto their knees, Elinor watched.

Lord Jasper Wylde walked up to her, watching as Aemond joined the two Kingsguard, "What are they for? The block or the crow cage?" he asked.

Elinor didn't bother to look to Jasper, "The wall. The Prince Regent is merciful, doing you think Jasper?" She said finally turning to him, he nodded, "Hm."

"Well, they started a riot. Justice is served, I suppose" Jasper continued to say, finally Elinor looked to him, "Is that all Lord Jasper?" He shook his head.

"I have received word of a matter of great importance" Elinor hummed in response turning back to the yard, "Rumor of sighting of the dragon Seasmoke....with a rider."

"A fine piece of intelligence, and now you seek favor by delivering it to Prince Aemond?" She asked raising an eyebrow, "Actually, I thought I might seek your advice my queen. Whispers being your father's province."

Elinor slightly smiled, Larys had taught her a few things about his whisper trade, "Oh, but this is your whisper, Lord Jasper, not mine. But if you consider it valuable perhaps you could deliver it and find favor with Aemond yourself."

Jasper hummed once again, "Who is this rider?" Elinor asked tearing her eyes from the yard, "That is less clear, but it must surely be the Lady Rhaena. She has wanted for a dragon all her life."

"Indeed but she tried already when she was four and ten. The beast Seasmoke very nearly devoured her" she shrugged, "Who else?"

"Yes it is a shallow pool."

"Where did you hear it?" She crossed her arms, "My squire, he heard it from a stable hand, who heard it from his father, a fisherman, whose shipmate claims he saw it."

Elinor chuckled with chain of people he mentioned, "Oh. You are, of course, welcome to bring this news the Prince Regent but um... perhaps this is one of those whispers best left to the wind."

She offered him a sweet smile and patted his shoulder, "Now if you'll excuse me Lord Jasper, I have to see to my husband" she said while walking off to the castle.

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