Chapter 3

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Elinor walked into Helaena's bed chamber, luckily she was not abed, but merely watching as her children slept.

"Helaena, oh thank God you're still awake."

"Has something happened?" Helaena asked as she looked up, "No-no, umm I know why you talk the way you do."

"I don't understand" Helaena said as she took her dressing gown and slipped it on, "You-You talk like, you know... you say weird things and I know why, you're a dreamer Helaena. Years ago you said that Aemond had to close an eye to find a dragon and then he..., Helaena you saw it, you saw everything..."

"I'm not crazy am I?" Elinor shook her head, "You're special Helaena" Elinor took Helaena's hands in hers, the girl smiled but that smile didn't last long.

"No..." Helaena whispered and just as Elinor turned around she was grabbed by her hair, the person pulled it back and placed a blade against her neck.

Shock and fear instantly filled Elinor and Helaena's mind, "What are you doing?" Elinor asked slightly turning her head to look at the person, "Stay still" he said as she struggled against him.

Helaena stiffened as she saw another person entering and placed her hand on her chest trying to calm her breathing, the man begun laughing like he accomplished something.

"Who the fuck are they?"

"This is the Queen and that is the princess" he replied, "A son for a son he said. Well does she look like a fucking son to you?"

"Over there" he removed the knife from her neck, pulled her hair and pointed to the beds. His companion walked towards the bed and Elinor struggled to free herself.

"We need to get our head and get out"

Helaena shook her head and wanted to go to her children but the mysterious man elbowed her against her cheek, Elinor struggled to help her but the man pulled on her hair again,"Shhh."

"They both look the same, which one's a boy?"

"Maybe that one." He pointed at a bed.

"Don't fucking touch them" Elinor said as tears blurred her vision.

"Well look for a cock."

"The mother knows."

"Do anything but what I ask and I'll hurt little miss sunshine over there even further" he removed the knife from Elinor's neck and her hand instantly went to it and as she removed it she saw blood covering her fingertips.

"Helaena" she said and turned around to see the distraught girl, "Which?" the man said impatiently, Helaena took a deep breath and looked between the men, "I have a necklace, it's of great value."

As she begun to take the necklace off one of the men grabbed it, "That's not a son" Elinor shook her head and pulled Helaena behind her, "Leave her alone."

"Mommy?" Vaegon's voice ran through the room, Elinor looked to the door, there her son stood holding Maelora's hand, "Vaegon."

Vaegon noticed the unknown men and both children ran to their mother, Maelora standing next to Helaena while Vaegon clinged on his mother's skirts, "I'll look for a cock."

The man went over to Helaena's children's bed, "Found it. Grab the other one" he yelled to the man standing with the queen and princess, "Vaegon run" Elinor told her son but before he had the chance to the man grabbed him by the neck and dragged him to his companion.

"No, no no no no" Elinor whispered as  tears fell down her cheeks, "Hold them down" Helaena shook her head and went over to Jaehaera, Elinor took Maelora into her arms.

The sound of flesh being cut and muffled screams filled the room and traumatized both Elinor and Helaena's ears, covering Maelora's face Elinor and Helaena slowly made their way out of the room.

They walked down the corridors and once they were far enough they sped up, almost running down the stairs. As they reached the bottom Helaena stopped not knowing where to go but Elinor couldn't stop, what if they came for her, what if she was next.

She tightened her hold on Maelora and turned left, basically running to the throne room.

She quietly closed the door, "Your grace" a guard said coming closer, "Where is the king? Where is my husband?" She sobbed out, "Elinor?" Aegon voice filled her ears and relief washed over her.

Aegon ran to his wife as he saw her, "Everyone out. Now!" He yelled and soon the room was empty, "They took him Aegon, they killed my baby" Elinor finally broke and sat on the floor, her back against the door and Maelora's still tightly against her.


"They killed Vaegon."

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