Chapter 19

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The entire night Elinor spend next to Aegon as he slept, thought she couldn't, the sun was rising and Elinor diverted her eyes to the door, Maester Owlye walking into her room, "You said he’d improved."

Owlye bowed, "His Grace sleeps nine hours of every ten… but he did open his eyes and speak, however briefly" Elinor bit her lips together, "I know, he spoke my name."

"His mending may be long and painful, but it is my sincere hope that His Grace will be spared" Elinor nodded and leaned over to Aegon's bed, taking his hand as he slept.

"Grand Maester, tell me, what will he be if he lives?" Owlye didn't reply, he did not know, he bowed and left the room leaving Elinor one again with a sleeping Aegon.

She stood up and kissed his forehead then slowly walked out of the room. She stopped in the doorway, her hand on her chest.

"Ser Martyn" she turned to the Kingsguard, Martyn turned and bowed, "Your grace" Elinor let out a breath, "Could you ask my ladies to ready a bath for me?"

"At once" Martyn bowed once again and walked to her room, she gave Aegon one last look before slowly walking the same direction Martyn had went.


After bathing, dressing in clean clothes and styling her hair in a simple braided crown, Elinor walked the castle corridors in search fo Alicent, to accompany her.

She reached the doors to the training yard and the guards opens the door for her, she lifted her skirts and walked down the stairs.

Her eyes scanned the yard, many injured men and horses all going back into the war to fight, at the sound of footsteps nearing Elinor turned her head.

"Ser Gwayne" Elinor said with a smile, "My queen" Gwayne bowed and took her hand, placing a soft kiss upon it, "Seems like forever since someone had done that."

Gwayne chuckled, "Greet the queen?" Elinor shook her head, "No um, kiss my hand" Gwayne nodded, "Does the people of Kingslanding not do that?"

"Very few these days" Gwayne chuckled, "I am to ride out with Ser Criston. Might I ask for the blessing of the Queen?" Elinor smiled, "You want my blessing?"

"What man here wouldn't, you are a desirable lady" Elinor snickered, "And that desirable lady is married" Gwayne smirked, "So I've heard."

Elinor turned feeling Cole's eyes on the two on them, "Your sister, where is she?" Gwayne shrugged, "I could not say" Elinor nodded her head and kissed Gwayne's cheek.

"You have my blessing Ser Gwayne."

Gwayne smirked and Elinor walked back into the castle, still on the mission of looking for Alicent.

She found herself walking down the corridors again and stumbling upon Helaena's bed chamber, "Her grace, the queen" the guard announced.

Elinor looked to Helaena and saw Alicent sitting beside her, "This one stopped singing" Helaena said looking into her cages, "Isn't that strange."

Elinor smiled at Helaena's innocence, "I was hoping you'd both accompany me to the Sept. Perhaps we could like a candle for Aegon and all our lost souls."

Alicent turned and gave Elinor a sad smile, "That's a good idea."


Elinor, Alicent and Helaena knelt down before Balerion's statue, Elinor hand her hands intertwined while Helaena finished lighting her candle, the door opened and a Kingsguard, Ser Richard Thorne, rushed into the Sept.

"Your grace's" he greeted and all three woman turned their heads to him, "We must leave. Now" Helaena turned to Elinor with worry all over her face, Elinor furrowed her eyebrows and took Helaena's hand walking out the Sept.

They exited the building and Elinor instantly saw the mob of people yelling, while the Gold Cloaks guarded the Sept.

"Get the Queen's and Princess to the wheelhouse" Richard yelled, Helaena squeezed Elinor's hand, to which Elinor rubbed her thumb over the back of Helaena's hand.

Alicent reached for Elinor's hand and the three woman followed the guard to the wheelhouse. The people booed and cursed the royals as they walked down the steps.

"Keep moving. This way, Your Grace" fear was evident of Elinor's face as she tightened her hold on Alicent's hand, she stopped and looked at the people, " 'Tis the Queens of Fishes!" two fish came flying and slapped both Elinor and Alicent across the face.

Elinor let go of Alicent's hand and touched the raw fish, "Keep moving!" He yelled and guided the woman down the steps, they begun throwing fruits and Helaena gasped as one hit her.

"Long live Queen Rhaenyra!" They yelled,  "Get to the wheelhouse!" Alicent yelled at the two woman, Elinor followed after Alicent but felt Helaena's hand slip away, she turned around seeing Helaena looking at the people.

"Helaena" Elinor said fear in her voice, the people cut through the crown and Ser Leon came to the two woman, "This way."

Elinor and Helaena intertwined their hands as they rushed down the last few steps, Alicent fell to the ground and Richard helped her up.

"Let's get to the wheelhouse" Elinor said both woman walking with Leon, both woman heard the people gasped and turned around to see a mans hand cut off, Elinor gasped.

"Sheathe your swords! Sheathe your swords!" Alicent yelled at the Kingsguards, the crowd became violent and burst through the Gold Cloaks, Helaena squeezed Elinor's hand and the two begun running.

Alicent got hold of Elinor's free and followed running towards the wheelhouse.

Helaena was panicking and Elinor was now completely scared, they ran as fast as they could as the mob of people all ran after the royals.

A scream escaped Elinor's lips as the mob drew close and closer, until they were being cornered and pushing into spiked gate, "Get back!" Alicent yelled pushing people back from the two woman.

Helaena hugged Elinor, closing her eyes and Elinor held her close, three of the guards came running and burst through the crowd, "Go, Helaena, go Elinor!" Alicent yelled pushing the two woman forward.

They managed to make it through the crowd and ran to the wheelhouse, "My Queens! Princess! This way, inside!" Richard yelled opening the door.

Helaena was the first to go inside, followed by Elinor and finally Alicent. All three woman were panting, Helaena and Elinor still gripping each other's hands.

"Your face" Helaena said between breaths, Elinor's hand went up to her cheek, and winced in pain as she touched a bruise.

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