Standing Infront of Aegon's chambers, Elinor took in a deep breath before she knocked, then a muffled, "A moment" she crossed her eyebrows and knocked again.
This time the yelling was louder, "Open the door" she instructed the Kingsguards and within a second the door opened revealing Maester Owlye walking with a crying Aegon.
The pair turned to face the queen consort, "You should not be doing this alone" she said, concern clear in her voice, "Here let me" Elinor said rushing over to Aegon's side, she wrapped his adm around her shoulder earning a scream of pain from Aegon.
With every step Elinor and Owlye took, Aegon groaned in pain, it broke Elinor even more, finally reaching his bed, they slowly sat him down, "I'm sorry" Elinor whispered and lifted his legs, a screamed echoed through the room.
A stray tear of pain left Aegon's eye and Elinor quickly went to wipe it away, "You must try again Aegon, for me and and the realm" she covered him with the blanket and went over to Owlye.
"Maester, you should not be walking with him alone, it was dangerous" Elinor said almost forgetting she ordered him to do it, "I do it on your command, your grace, I push him because you tell me to."
Elinor looked back to Aegon, "Let him try again in a few hours" she said turning back to Owlye, "He had spent far too many your grace" Elinor sighed.
"Grand Maester, do you want Aemond on the throne forever?" She tilted her head, "Your Grace-"
"I answer the question Owlye" Owlye sighed, "He is but Prince Regent, he cannot be King" Elinor nodded and patted his shoulder, "Let Aegon try again in the next hour" she said and left the room.
As she walked down the corridors she caught sight of Lord Jasper, "My Lord Jasper" she said walking up to him.
"My queen" he said and bowed, "I have a few questions for you" she said begining to walk, Jasper slowly following after, "What is it my queen?"
"First question" Jasper nodded him head, "Would you want Aemond on the throne?" Jaoer looked stunned, "I- well many wish to see a man on the throne."
"But she's not the one you wish on the throne" Jasper sighed.
"Second question: Would you support Rhaenyra would it come to that? If she claims her rightful seat" Jaspers eyes widened, "What you speak is treason my queen."
"And I forbid you of speaking this to anyone else, now answer my question "
"Rhaenyra is the heir, the late, King Viserys chose, is she would spare my life I'd serve her till my days end."
Jace leaned against the pillar of his mother's study, furious of what has happened a few hours prior, "The lowborn claiming dragons?" Rhaenyra turned her attention to her son, "Was it her idea, the Lady Mysaria."
"You were enthusiastic enough when Ser Steffon made his claim" she reminded him, "He was the Lord Commander of hou Queensguard, heir to the Dun Fort. These people are-"
"Mongrels" Rhaenyra tilted her head, Jace huffed and begun walking out the room, "Jace!" Rhaenyra called for him, Jace stopping in his tracks.
"Think what is at stake" Rhaenyra tried explaining, "I know well what is at stake" Jace turned to face her, "House Targaryen is the blood of the dragon, if any may lay claim to it what are we then?"
"The rightful rulers of the seven Kingdoms" Rhaenyra sat back in her chair, "And what if one of you're baseborn, silver haired dragonriders decides he wants to rule the seven Kingdoms? Did the Conquerors dream for tell that?"
Rhaenyra sighed, pushing her chair back, "What else would you have me do? Prosecute a war which we will loose, in which thousands will die. Or fly against Vhagar myself? Or perhaps you will fly against her on Vermax"
She leaned forward again, "Jace with these riders we can end a needles war. I may take my rightful place on my father's throne."
"And when you die?"
"You are my heir."
Jace nodded and the room fell silent, Jace wondering why his mother did this to him, why she made him a bastard, "Did you think I would have dark hair?"
He stepped forward, "When you took Harwin Strong into your bed did you I might favor him or did not cross your mind."
"I'm not fool mother, the prove is here for all to see. Yet I may argue my legitimatamcy to succeed you because I have a dragon, and now you say you'll strip that from me too."
Tears threatened to fall from Jace's eye's, Rhaenyra stood up and approached her son, "I miss like all of this" her voice almost breaking.
"Then don't persue it."
"But I cannot gain say that which the gods have laid before me" Jace looked down shaking his head, taking a step back.
Elinor rolled over on the bed, looking to the canopy of her bed, Maelora soundless asleep beside her, her hand drifted to the small baby bumb.
She could let Maelora or her unborn baby die, she had to do something, Aemond wanted war and yet nothing from Rhaenyra.
She needed out of the castle.
She needed to leave, with or without Aegon.

Shattered Rubies
FanfictionBook 2 of Ruby A week after Elinor and Aegon are forcefully placed as King and Queen, the realm is at war and Elinor knows she has to step up as Queen. But can she do it or will the realm burn? House of the dragon season 2 mature themes all rights g...