Aemond was gone, once news came to him that Rhaenyra had new riders for her dragons he left for a burning spree.
Elinor now sat as Queen Regent, though as she sat at the council table she was constantly annoyed by Jasper, "Prince Aemond has burnt town of Sharp Point"
"So I've heard" she said bringing the cup of wine to her mouth, "He cannot go around burning cities to ash" Jasper argured, Elinor rolled her eyes "What do you expect me to do?"
"Deal with him!"
Elinor scoffed, "Ok, once he returns I'll take him to the dungeons then Kingslanding will be vulnerable and Rhaenyra will take her throne, now excuse me" her chair screeched back as she stood up and left the council.
As she walked out her sworn protector filled behind, "Where is Princess Helaena?" she asked, "Her bed chamber my queen."
"And Queen Dowager Alicent?" her protector paused for a moment, "She had recent returned from her stay in the Kingswood" Elinor furrowed her eyebrows, "Kingswood, why was she in the Kingswood?"
Once her protector didn't reply Elinor huffed, "I'd like to talk to my husband" she said walking off.
Once she entered Aegon's chamber, she smiled, "I'd like to talk to my husband" she informed Owlye, "...Alone" she added and walked up to his bed.
Once she heard the doors closed she spoke up, "I'm glad to see you awake and talking, you're healing well" Aegon smiled at his wife.
"I've missed you" Elinor rounded the bed and sat next to him, Aegon reached for her hand, giving it a weak squeeze, "And I you"
Elinor didn't want to beat around the bush and went straight in, "We must leave this place, Aegon, and we will not return for some times maybe even never."
"What?" Confusion crossed Aegon's face, he tried sitting up, "Rhaenyra has found three new riders for her dragon" she informed him, he scoffed, "That's impossible."
"Aemond thought so too, he went to challenge her but fled in terror I hear" she wanted to laugh but held it back, however Aegon snickered, "He deserves no less."
"Be that as it may, in his furry he burnt the town of Sharp Point to ash" she continued to tell him, "Fucking mad cunt. She really did it then" he said but mostly said to him, "I fear so."
"So what was the fucking point in all this then?" He said throwing his uninjured hand into the air, be was now broken and for what? Absolutely nothing.
Elinor sadly smiled now at him, "The gods can be cruel Aegon but-" she started but Aegon cut her short, "No, no I am the King, why must I run?"
Elinor rubbed his hand and slowly looked up at him, "Because Aemond is going to kill you and then me, so he may have the throne for himself, your dragon is weak and healing but now we have an opportunity-"
Aegon smiled, "An opportunity to push him out. Take me to my throne and once he returns I shall take him prisoner" he suggested, Elinor sighed, "And then what? There will be no rider for Vhagar, the city will be vulnerable giving Rhaenyra an opportunity to take her throne. She'll have you beheaded and then me and our child."
Aegon said nothing, he didn't exactly know what to say, Elinor moved closer to him, "Over the years my father spoke about land and castles he bought in Essos and Bravos, we could live there and well and remain until what is coming has passed or maybe never return."
Aegon scoffed and shook his head, "You want to take me to Essos to live with the goat fuckers?" Elinor sighed, "It's best to live, isn't it?"
"Is it? My dragon is dead, I am burnt and disgusting and alone and I'm a cripple."
"You are not alone Aegon, you have me."
"My cock is destroyed, did they tell you that? Yeah it burst into flames like a sausage on a spit" Elinor wanted to laugh at his comment, Owlye never told her that, maybe he didn't want her to know.
"Let Aemond and Rhaenyra destroy themselves in war and once it is over you may return and the people will rise up to meet you or not" Elinor didn't want him to return but if she were to win him over giving him some hope wouldn't hurt anyone.
Aegon scoffed, "I can't even piss without it running down my leg" Elinor drew in a breath, "Did you want the throne, ever?"
"No, you didn't Aegon, I was happier before I was Queen, and you were happier before you were king, let us go. We lost one child already, I can't loose another" she gave him hand a squeeze m, "And my mother?"
"We'll leave her, we'll leave everything behind and start a new, you won't be burdened with your title, you could just go" Aegon sighed and looked down, "If you don't come with me Aegon, I'll leave you behind and take Maelora and go, it's your choice."

Shattered Rubies
FanfictionBook 2 of Ruby A week after Elinor and Aegon are forcefully placed as King and Queen, the realm is at war and Elinor knows she has to step up as Queen. But can she do it or will the realm burn? House of the dragon season 2 mature themes all rights g...