Chapter 4: The Master and The Student

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Averon had arrived at The Mysterious Tower although this time it had taken him longer than it did for his siblings because the world moved prior to his departure from Scala Ad Caelum.

Averon: Well, at least I know Yen Sid has a sense of humor.

Xehanort: That is true but it is also a defense mechanism to ensure the world's protection.

Averon: Master!

Xehanort: Take it easy, my lad! If I was that easy to destroy I would have been long gone by now.

Averon: I'm just glad you're okay, Master

Xehanort: I'm fine Averon now let's get inside Yen Sid awaits.

Averon and Xehanort travels to the top floor where Yen Sid resides awaiting the pair's arrival.

Averon: (bows) Master Yen Sid we have arrived.

Yen Sid: So you are Averon, and I see that your teacher has recovered from his near-fatal injuries.

Xehanort: That I have, but we need to know....

Yen Sid: About the enemy you face

Xehanort: precisely!

Yen Sid: you will receive your answers soon enough.

Marlene grabs Averon's arm

Marlene: but, my brother needs to rest

Averon: (annoyed) Marlene, I'm fine!

Yen Sid: It is alright, Marlene besides it is your brother I wish to speak wish alone.

Marlene: Yes sir

Xehanort: I understand, Averon I believe you have questions that need answers, especially in regards to your Keyblade.

Averon: You know about that!

Xehanort: My injuries were severe but they didn't impare my hearing.

Yen Sid: It is a unique skill that you're Master bares.

Xehanort: (chuckles) Anyway, I will be outside if anyone needs me.

Xehanort steps outside to get some fresh air and to think on some things

Yen Sid: now Averon, shall we start with your Keyblade

Averon (Summons his Keyblade) Yeah!

Yen Sid: as you may have already been told by Master Eraqus, you're Keyblade is incomplete and requires 7 Eiodon Cores belonging to The Guardians of the First Keyblade Wielders however your the cores you seek belong to The Primordial Eiodons they are as ancient as they are powerful as they first appeared 15,000 years ago in the age of the first Keyblade Wielders.

Averon: Wait, so we're talking that kind of ancient.

Yen Sid: Yes indeed, much is not known about the specific Eiodons in question but we do know that they possess powerful yet frightening abilities that some say can shake the foundations of entire worlds by their mere presence, though as we know the Eiodons as well as their power is concealed within crystal fragments but we know them today as Eiodon Cores.

Averon: and I need to find seven of them?!

Yen Sid: Six and a Half to be precise, you already have the first half of The Flame Guardian Core, the power of the Ancient Eiodon known as Ifrit.

Averon: Ifrit, neat name

Yen Sid: Ifrit has been known for his destructive flame but he is also wise like a warrior.

Averon: I can see why it chose me.

Yen Sid: Indeed and He will serve you on the journey ahead.

Averon: Master Eraqus had mentioned The Mark of Mastery exam when talking about the Eiodons to me when I was at Scala Ad Caelum.

Yen Sid: Indeed, I was made aware of that and it is true both in regards to the existence of the examination and that the Eiodons have deemed you fit to take on the exam, thus brings us to now.

Averon: I'm listening

Yen Sid: You must find the remaining Cores and complete your Keyblade to attain it full power, complete this task and you shall be named a 'True Keyblade Master'

Averon: Understood

Yen Sid: Now before you begin your journey, there are grave threats that you must know of.

Averon: I'm listening

Xehanort: As am I

Yen Sid: (Summons a Hologram of a Shadow) Firstly, I'm sure you are already aware of these creatures...

Averon: Yeah, they're the ones who destroyed my world.

Yen Sid: they are known as The Heartless, they are malevolent creatures born from darkness within people's hearts.

Xehanort: They wreak havoc on us and the worlds at every turn, obviously it's up to us to stop them.

Averon: Right!

Yen Sid: The Heartless are indeed a threat, however, there is now an much greater threat.

Yen Sid summons a Hologram of a red-skinned creature with horns and massive claws

Averon: What the hey...

Xehanort: Yen Sid! what in the name of The Foretellers is that.

Yen Sid: not much is known about them, however, given their appearance and who their Master is, we have decided to give the name 'Demons'.

Averon: Demons?!

Yen Sid: they are malevolent creatures who serve their master, to who that is we do not know, however, they possess far more frightening powers beyond our comprehension.

Averon: Hold on, you keep mentioning we, who the other guy

Mickey: Ahem, down here.

Averon (looks down to his left I notices King Mickey) uhhhhh... Hi and you must be....

Xehanort: The King of Castle Disney, King Mickey Mouse.

Mickey: I just prefer to be called, Mickey

Averon: It's nice to meet you, Mickey

Yen Sid: Ahem, we have matters to finish discussing

Averon: Right

Yen Sid: with both the Demons and The Heartless coexisting together at least for now, they will prove to be a threat unlike anything we've ever faced, remember to be vigilant.

Yen Sid: there's one last thing that you must know, Averon in regards to your Uncle Gunther and your Aunt Berta.

Averon: All right I'm listening

Yen Sid: This is something I wish to speak with you about alone.

Xehanort: I'll go check on the other children.

Yen Sid: that would be much appreciated, They departed earlier to Radiant Garden.

Xehanort: Then I'll take my leave immediately, Good luck, My Boy and May God Be Your Guiding Key.

Xehanort departs it's now just Mickey, Yen Sid, and Averon

Averon: All right then what's all this got to do with My Aunt and Uncle.

Yen Sid: In all honesty, I surmise that this has more to do with your aunt than it does your uncle, as your uncle seems to have good intentions compared to that of your aunt.

Averon: I'm listening

Yen Sid: a New World has been created born from darkness but connected to an Eiodon known as Odin, The Eiodon of Darkness, It is with deep regret that I inform you that it is Berta who is in possession of the Odin Core and seeks to use it to enter the realm of the divine.

Averon: In other words, she's trying to become a god.

Yen Sid: she's trying to become more than that, she wants to become An Eater of Worlds, remain on your guard when it comes to her but in regards to your uncle I believe he is somewhat naive to her true intentions however I surmise that he is starting to wise up to Bertas true intentions but use caution, We do not know if he's being used to throw us off the path.

Averon: Alright!

Yen Sid: that is all that there is to know for now, let your examination begin.

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