2. Come Again

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"Bel meet Ethan my son and your husband." Jack introduced, us to one another.

Wow is all I could think and I became stunned by his beauty that I forgot where I was everything that had happened to me. I stood there spacing out of the of the and began to wonder everywhere my mind was taking me. A slight cough brought me back to earth and I realized that I was in a room full of guys and one of then was my so to be husband! Damn I need to stop spacing out and pay attention to what he was saying Fuck!

"Excuse me but I have to go." I announced.

I didn't wait for an approval I raced out of the room and down the stairs I didn't have time to wait in the elevator. I ran out of the building and began to run towards the grave yard today was my mother's birthday. I ran until I fell to my knees in front of my mothers stone.

"Hi mum." I said.

"Today I found about my arrange marriage and to tell you the trust I don't know if good enough for anyone I mean look at me I hideous. I'm a no body I don't seem to exist to the world. I found out today that dad never loved me to him I was just a burden maybe I should come to heaven with you not like anyone would miss me." I cried.

I sat there in silence and let the tears flow freely down my burning cheeks it wasn't suppose to be like this. I was supposed to go to college, get a degree, and move away from my family, far away. Not be tied in an arrange marriage to a guy I barely know. No this is just a dream and I'll wake up and everything will go back to the way it was. My mum will still be here my dad won't hate me, no Marie there to beat me, no chores to do, and I'll be happy with my family and brother.

"Bel, I knew you be here." Said a soft voice, from behind me.

I looked up to me meet icy blue eyes and a glowing face. I stood up and hugged him burying my head into his chest.

"Angel. Sh-e's go-ne and I mi-ss her!" I wailed.

"Shhhh it's okay I'm here for you." Angel said.

He rubbed my back to make me clam down he always did this when we were younger and I was afraid of the dark. I would always go to his room waking him up and he would let my stay in his room for the night. He was my older brother who tried to stop Marie and my father from abusing me. He took the blame for everything even though it wasn't his fault. He was my mother, father, friend, brother everyone in one. I loved him more than anyone in this life I adored him.

"See mum I told you I wouldn't make her cry she's just a cry baby." He teased.

"Hey, who you calling a cry baby?" I asked smiling.

"There is my little girl smiling I like it better when you smile not when your whiny." He whined.

I started to laugh it was so cute the way he always cheered me up when I wanted to be sad not happy. I never wanted him to go I cared to much about him he was my only family.

"I'm getting married." I blurted out.

"YOU'RE WHAT?" he screamed.

"Yeah "dad" made an arrangement with Jack Hunter for me to be married to his son." I explained.

"No way your getting marry your not even 18. I'm not allowing I don't care what he says I'm saying no!" Angel said.

"Angel, it's an arrange marriage." I replied.

"I don't care if it's an arrange marriage I don't care if god tells you to get marry I don't want you married to some son of bitch." fumed Angel.

God I loved my brother he was always so protective of me he always tried to save me from Marie. He would take the blame for something I did even though it wasn't he fault he was the only one person besides my mother that I loved and cared for. Talking to him now brings back so many memories of us together.


A 13 year old me with Angel we went to our grandparents home for the summer Angel and I went to our secret place. I found a couple of years before we use to got here all the time and relax I love it there.

A 13 year old me with Angel who is 19. During that Christmas my parents had got into a fight over me and my father said I was a disgrace to me family. So I ran away I remember telling my self that I was worthless I was crying. I had packed all of my thinks and told Angel no to come looking for me but he did anyways. He pulled me into a hug and told me everything would be okay I was using my umbrella to hide my self but he found me.

I was 14 when I remember my mother had passed away a couple weeks before I had become to lazy and upset to do anything. Angel by now was 20 was also very upset but kept a brave face for me. Since I wouldnt do anything he sat me down and told me everything was going to be okay that he would always be there for me. He sat me down between his legs and combed my hair for me trying to put me at ease.

Angel had gotten back from his camp and I was being stubborn and yelled at him for leaving me I thought I had lost him. I screamed at him and told him I never wanted to see him again I at the time was 10 and Angel was 16. I was really upset but when I learned that Angel had only been doing it for my own good I asked him to forgive me. I roped my arms around his neck leaning over the couch and said I was sorry.

The first time I found about Marie was when I 15 I was so upset I didnt want my father to get married again I believe that he loved my mother. But I was wrong I soon found out that Angel knew. Why didnt he tell me I asked my self again and again? I couldnt understand so I decide to confront him. He told me that he has to go farther away for college and that he didnt tell me because dad made him promise not to tell. I stood there shocked at what he just said confused and lost.

Final memory of Angel before he left it was my 16th birthday and I was crying because I didnt want him to leave. He was leaving today for college I began to cry during school I ran up to the roof and sat there. When he came up he held me close to him and told me when ever I needed him he could always call. That he would never truly be gone that he would always be here for me. So through the tears I put a smile on.

~End of Flashback~

All those times brought the tears back to my eyes. I missed him so much and now here he was standing in front of me smiling down at me. His smile is something I had been craving for all these years the tears just began to pour down. I remember him telling me he would never be gone he was right here he is when I needed him the most.

"Bel what's wrong why are you crying?" he asked.

"You came back you came when I needed you." I responded.

He held me a hug for a while and then held me by the shoulder looking me in the eyes and said,

"You're my little sister I would never leave you and I made a promise I wanted to keep it. I love you no matter what."

I gave him a soft smile he really did care I'm glad he is my brother I wouldn't want another one he is just perfect for me.

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