3. Bitter Past

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I stood there hugging Angel close he was finally back he came back I was so happy. It had been years since I last smile I couldn't remember the last time I smile.

"Come on Angel lets go pay that "thing" a visit." I announced and laughed at the word thing.

He chuckled, nodded in approval we went to his car and drove off to Height's Company laughing about old times. I never wanted to think about Angel after he left but now I was being showered in past events. When we finally arrived at the company Angel got out and opened the door for me.

"Why thank you sir." I joked, stepping out of the car.

I lead Angel to Mr. Hunter's office when we arrived everyone starred at Angel and me.

"Isabella where have you been we have searched everywhere for you!" exclaimed, my father.

"Did you look in the grave yard maybe than you would have found me." I mumbled because I only wanted Angel to hear me.

Angel smiled at my words and gave our father a death glares.

"Angel what are you doing here?" my father asked, rather rudely.

"Well Michael I refuse to give my little Bel's hand in marriage to some guy she barely knows and that of which I have no idea who is so I refuse." explained Angel.

"You don't have a say in this Angel. She will marry Ethan." my father argued.

"I'm sorry but she will not I refuse to give her up to some unknown man especially someone like him." Angel fired back.

His arm tightly wrapped around my waist pulling me close to him. I was grateful to my brother he always stood up for me. He was the more outspoken one out of us, I always backed away when something went wrong and I didn't like it.

"Angel, like I said before you have no say in this it's my choice and she will marry him." my father states.

Suddenly, a very sexy voice, yet strong voice says,

"May I ask why you are here fight for this girl is she your lover?"

Ewwwwwwww me being a lover to my brother ewwwwwww that's just wrong and sick!

"Hold it dude firstly she isn't my lover, secondly she is my sister and thirdly I'm not going to get my baby to someone unknown man just because my father trusts doesnt mean I will." Angel shot back, angrily.

"Angel Alan James, you need to get out of here and never return." said my father, coldly.

That did it something snapped within me deep with my heart something told me it was time to finally fight back. I yanked my hand away from Angel and slowly strolled over to my father but before I could say anything the bitch came in. She squealed when she saw Angel and hugged him I could see Angel trying to pry her off. Which he finally managed Angel was always her favorite.

"Honey what are you doing here?" asked my father.

"Oh I came to see how everything was going with this arrange marriage thing and if you got that whore out of my hair yet." she replied silently to my father so no one could hear but her, my father, Angel and me.

Hold up a sec did she just call me a whore she shouldn't be talking she's the whore not me. Once again I felt this certain urge to kill them this instant but I pushed it back down instead of using my fists I used my words.

"Excuse could you rephrase that, miss bitch?" I requested sweetly, yet vermon dripping from my words.

"You heard me." she responded a smirk on her face.

"Isabella apologize this sec or else you in trouble young lady." yelled my father.

(oh if you wondering where the Hunter's are they are in the room listening because they are family to us even before this arrange marriage thingy.)

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you father please say that again." I said in an mocking tone.

"Isabella cut the games and say sorry now!" my father repeated.

"Oh I made the baby cry did I well I'm sorry that she is a compete and total utter bitch!" I said.

My father swung his hand hard against my left cheek. My head turned slightly to the right and my cheek began to stingy and burn to the pain. I looked up to see my father enraged by my actions but I could careless as to what he was feeling at this moment. I clutched my fist tightly, my hand curled into fists and my nails digging into my palm. Rage engulfed my body I felt like I was going to explode from all the anger. Angel was staring wide eye like the Hunter's. I wrinkle my nose just glaring at the so called parents I had.

"You want to know something?" I asked.

"What?" yelled my father.

"Your. A. Complete. Total. Bastard. The. Biggest. Jerk. I. Have. Ever. Met. In. My. Life. And. I. Hate. You!" I slowly pronounced every word carefully making sure he heard it all.

His eyes widen to my words and he picked up his hand again and swung it at my face this time I caught his hand. He looked at me in a disbelieving look as to how I moved to quickly.

"Don't think I'm going to let you hurt me twice I'm sick of all your bullshit and crap. I'm done with you trying to suppress me under your control. I'm not your fucking property that you can just toss around as you please. I have feelings I'm not callous you know I am a human being after all. All this time all I ever wanted was to be accepted by you to be loved to be cared for and just happy." I said streaming, I threw his hand backwards.

"You better watch your mouth." threaten my father.

"Or what you'll beat the crap out of me. Hate me more than you already do?" I shot back angrily.

"That's it your in serious trouble now!" my father shouted, grabbing my arm.

O.O what the heck happen to her? me: i dont know. Hey Elle you know Elle: 0.0 does it look like it? me: no okay the rest in the results

"Get the fuck off me!" I below, yanking my arm out of his grasp. "Don't fucking touch me. You heartless bastard you dont even know what told is do you? It's the day mum died the day the woman you loved was murder. Oh wait I forgot my mother wasn't anything to you. You were never a good father you always allowed that bitch/ slut to beat me. When she cut me you let me bleed there in order to kill me if it hadnt been for Zack and Justin I would have died. If I would of thank heaven I would have been happy at least I wouldnt have to put up with your crap." I stated my heart thumping faster than ever.

Everyone just stared at me in either confusion, in shock or both.

"I want my daughter back I don't know this person is." my father complained.

"Screw what you want it was always what you wanted or she wanted never what I wanted. You cant have the girl that was once here she's gone she doesn't want to be with you because you hurt her. You brought her only pain never once did you bring here happiness you only brought her hate. You let others inflict pain upon me also you let my heart ache. I dont want be hurt anymore. All I ever wanted was love from you after my mother died. But no you gave me hate blamed me for mum's death. You practically disown me and my trust. I don't think I can forgive you or even love you anymore I have always loved you and you just hated me. I can under no circumstances forgive you." I cried.

Heavy tears began to fall down my face all those tears that were hidden beneath the rough look unleashed. My whole body began to ache I was exhausted from all this everything I did today. I finally let everything out even though I had much more to say I couldn't summon up the courage to say. I began to wobble back and forth rocking as I tried to keep my balance. Before I slipped into a state in which I couldn't move anymore I wanted to show him one thing. I rolled up my sleeve pulling the elastic bandage off my wrist I winced at the pain. The cold that brushed against the open cut burned and I said,

"This is what you made me to do cover the pain."

My body finally slipped as my body collided with the ground I drove into sleep.

okay the next one is going to be Ethan's pov enjoy please message and rate

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