12. Ending

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Everyone stood there ground, starring at me intently waiting for me to make a move. I stood at my position not moving from it, looking at everyone with a hateful glare right now. My friend's people that said that they loved me, cared for me and would always be there are turning me down because of my child. My sisters I can't say anything about them I don't know them very well. Ethan where do I begin with Ethan, someone who takes me twice, says he loves me over and over again, kisses me out of now where and then just stays silent when I bring up a child?

What type of fucking fiancé is he? Oh, I can answer that my self a freaking ass that can not claim his own child because it might ruin his sleep. (That's just me being a retard and trying to be funny but it ain't really working as you can see.) I looked at the group of people looking at me like I am some type of unknown disease I could not take they were being so cruel. I walked over to my closet peering into searching for something to grab quickly and leave.

"Bella, you need to leave this house if you are keeping that thing." Stated Ethan, I knew it was from his deep and muscular voice.

I did not respond to his statement I continued to ignore him starring into my closet still, there I found it. I reached up on my tip toes and picked up this old box. I grabbed my bag than my ipod, some other personal needs in it and turned back around. Facing the traitors I knew at this moment a lot of emotions were running through my head and body but the one I was feeling the most was being betrayed by the people you loved and cherished.

"Then I'm leaving." I announced, clutching my bag tightly in my hand. "If I can't have my child here I will go somewhere else and have it. I do not need you guys as support I had enough support from you before to expect it now. I raised my self look how great I turned out I mean I have things wrong here and there with me but over all I'm really good. I can raise that child to be just like me; maybe I can even create a better person out of this child than I could have of my self. Another thing I won't ever let me child go through what I have been through. Teach him or her to keep loyal friends and love someone who isn't a jerk."

I had said a few things I knew I would regret later but right now what I was feeling was incomparable with what they had done to me. I felt my heart pounding into my chest did they really want me to get rid of this child that badly, maybe I should, No, I said in a stern voice within my head. You are going give birth to this child, you are going to raise alone if you have but you will do it. My determination for this child was enormous it seemed, I wanted this child; letting it grow up watching my little one grow up in this world, and mostly to see if I can give my child everything I did not have.

I quickly scavenged through my closet in search of closet looking for that small box hidden behind everything in my vivid closet. There it is I thought to my self, there is that box I need. I took hold of the box in my hands, gripping it tightly in my hand and looked at the stuffed animals on my bed. They were looking at my with eager expressions, saying take us with you don't leave us behind. I gave them a sorrow filled look saying you guys will be better here than with me. They all grimaced at my words and their sadden faces made me think was I really ready to be out on my own?

Don't worry mummy I'll take care of you, said this sweet tiny voice in my head. That voice it sounds to innocent, wait a sec did it say mummy? The it belongs to my future child, how that possible the egg is not even fully developed. I gave a wishful sign and turned away from them, marching out the door not even looking back. I made my way through the main gates and on my own. After that I don't know what happen in that house.

~Ethan's POV~

I watched Bella march out of the house, I wanted to stop her to yell at her saying are you insane leaving right now! But no I did not do that I let her slip through my fingers once again. I looked around the room; everyone has an unreadable expression on their faces.

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