2: Game Day

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Olivia's POV

"You need to eat." Abby our trainer argued with me, but I wasn't hungry. My mind was already set on the game today.

"I'm not hungry right now."

"You have to eat before your game. It drives me insane that when you're focused you ignore every other necessary function. If you don't I'll tell Emma."

Low jab...

"Fine." I grabbed the plate of food from her as I rewinded my video to rewatch a play. I was studying the Arsenal's defensive set up before the game today at the Emirates.

All of the other girls have been acting odd so I figured I'd sit alone with my ipad rather than sit and gossip.

Abby always complains that I'm not a team player and that if I was a shade less successful in goal that I wouldn't be on any team. Luckily for me my attitude built my skill.

"Why are you even watching this?"

"Just final game prep." I mumbled hoping the woman would go away not that I took the plate of food. Unfortunately she sat there watching me instead.

"You hate Arsenal."

"Yeah, so I have to beat them."

"Your team will help you will that."

"I don't care."

"You're a horrible person for a team sport...perhaps track would better suit you. You are rather quick."

"Ew no I like football. I can ignore the fact that its a team sport."

"Trust me we all notice...Emma is not happy with you Olivia. You need to reel it in a bit."

"I don't give two shits what Emma thinks." I rolled my eyes rewinding my video again to see how the Arsenal Skipper cuts off attacks.

"You're scared of her."

"Why does everyone think that?!"

"You only get nervous when playing against Williamson."

"I'm not nervous to play Leah."


"I don't."

"Then why the extra care?"

"You're here to make sure I eat. There I did. Leave me alone now."

"You're such a sour person." Abby laughed as she took the half empty plate and finally left me alone.

I am not afraid of Leah Williamson.

She may just be the only player that I respect enough to not fuck with. Even I had to admit that she is a good captain. Even the men's England team respect our skipper.

"Ready for the game today?"

"Bloody hell...did Abby send you?"

"I just came to check up on you." Guro frowned as she took her seat.

"I'm sorry Guro. Yes I am ready."

Guro was one of the only girls I actually liked on the team. She's the only one who doesn't seem fake. She actually cares about people. She's not just asking to hear about what's going on so she can go tell someone else.

Maybe Abby is right. Maybe I am a horrible person.

"Liv...are you okay?"

"I think so?"

"I really mean it. I'm worried about you. No one else really cares, but if you actually need to talk to someone I'm here for you. I know you have things you keep to yourself, but if you ever did want to vent I would listen."

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