Protagonist controversy

Cinderella is one of Disney's most controversial protagonists, believe it or not. 

Some folks call her one of those gold-diggers who want a rich husband. 

Technically, that's not exactly what she wanted. All she really wanted was her own life, to not be enslaved by her stepmother. 

She didn't even care, or even know, who she was dancing with; she just got a night away from chores. 

Drizella and Anastasia are the gold diggers, people! 

Negative viewers also call her one-dimensional, banal, passive and colorless.

I mean, come on! She's from the 50s. My mom says you really can't compare a 50s woman to one from today because they're entirely different people. 

Positive viewers admire Cinderella's hard work, composure, patience and nonviolence. 

I'm one of those positive viewers. Cinderella is tough as nails most of the movie. 

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