◑ A nightmare? ◐

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“Hey luna you think we could stop soon?” Cianna whines as she leans against Oscar who agrees “yes please luna!” Luna sighs, nods, and everyone sighs and sits down. Asher pulls out three tents.

“Girls and boys split the tents.” He says as he starts to set one up. “But there is an odd amount?” Cianna says with a smile “there are four girls and three boys”

“So then one boy gets his own tent.”

“How is that fair! Not all four can fit in one!” As Asher and Cianna argue Luna and I walk over to get some wood.

“How are we going to find food?” Luna smiles and points to Mona who is walking to the river that is a few feet away.

“Mona, has it covered.” “Mona isn’t it Mouna?” Luna nods. “It is her nickname.”

“Ohh!” We brought back some wood and we set it up. “Wait how will we start it?” Asher walks over and lights it with his fire.

“How did you?!” My jaw dropped to the floor. “Magic idiot.” He rolls his eyes and walks off. I nod and look over at Cianna who's talking with Oscar and Cole. I listen in.

“So, the tents will have three girls and yours will have two guys so the third will split one because Asher won’t take no for an answer.” Cianna explains, the boys nod and walk off while Mouna walks past them with a bunch of fish.

“How did you get that many?!” my eyes widening in shock. Mona giggles and hangs the fish over the fire on a pole system that has hooks. “Don’t question Mona its food and I'm hungry!” Oscar exclaims while rubbing his stomach. While shrugging I walk over and sit by the fire. Everyone else follows and sits by the fire. Now thinking of it.

Everyone is kinda paired up or tripled up. Mona was sitting with Oscar and Luna while Cianna was sitting next to Cole. Asher was kinda sitting next to me? Not really though.

I mean he is kinda further back and quiet but maybe it’s because of his sister... Man I miss my phone... I could be watching TikTok or YouTube.... I could be reading... I miss my orange app...

“NOVA!” “GAH!” My heart is pumping as Luna backs away from my ear. My heartbeat slows down when I realize I'm fine. “I’ve been saying your name for like... 15 minutes!” She whines and hands me my fish. “Sorry zoned out!” I notice everyone but Cianna has a fish. “I don’t like fish.” I blush at the fact that she noticed me staring...

I need to get better at not getting caught. I look back up to see Cianna eating some berries that Cole found for her. “Oscar stop trying to eat my fish!” I laugh as Oscar is one mouth away from comping on Luna fish. As they bicker, I finish my fish and yawn.

“Oh yes I forgot!” Everyone looks at Cianna. “Nova you're in a tent with Asher.” “What?!” “What!!” we both lock eyes and I feel the fear tense in me as Ashers eyes fill with a fire. “Why do I have to!” “Because you wanted a tent for yourself, and one other person and you need to bond with Nova so suck it up!”

“Can’t he share with one of the boys?!” “Mm no sorry the boys are already full...” I cover my face in embarrassment knowing that my face is probably red.

“Welp night everyone!” Luna takes Mouna’s hand then Cianna’s and drags them to their tent. The two boys do the same, heading to their tent.

I awkwardly stand and walk to the tent that me and Asher will be sleeping in. “Listen.” I turn to the boy. “I get the left side. A pillow will be between us. Under no circumstance will you touch me.” I silently gulp and nod knowing dang well I didn’t plan on touching him at all.

“Good.” He walks past me and lies on the left side of the tent with a pillow between us. I also get in crawling over to my side and lying down silently. Seconds turned into minutes as I tried to sleep. I just can’t... My eyes feel so heavy. Finally i can sleep...  

“Shut up!” I look around quickly. Am I still asleep? Looking around, my heart was pumping as cold chills ran down my back.

“Victor, you have 3 days until this plan is off.” “I need more time! She is getting closer to realizing who she is!”

The man is stressed. His hair sticks to his forehead as his breath quickens. “The longer we wait, the more power she bottles up.”

“But sir-”

“Shut it! I am your king! You are merely a step in my path. One wrong step and that path will be repaved.”

“Yes sir...” I feel the room grow cold.

“Victor make sure of the girl's cooperation. She acts as if she doesn’t have, the right mind.” Frozen. Thats how I feel. Does he know I'm here. Am I the girl?

“One last thing.” The room grows silent.

“Make sure the house burns. Send a hawkbear or two. They won’t know what hit them.” His laugh. It sounds like death. His stare is red... I want to leave.

My breath quickens as I hide behind a pillar tripping on the waxed floors.

“What was that?!” His voice bellows through the castle. “Find what made that noise!” oh gosh please wake up please!  

“What the hell is wrong with you!” Gasping. Thats all I can do. My body is hot as I quickly stand. “What is wrong?!” Asher looks disturbed. “I-I was... a castle... big...” I can’t even form a sentence. He took that hint and helped me sit back down. “God I'm only doing this once. Do Not Tell Anyone.” Still breathing heavily, I tilt my head in confusion. I nod in agreement; he groans and hugs me. Wait what?! He is hugging me?!

He’s so warm.... My breathing slows down as he rubs my back soothingly. “What happened.” His voice was as soft as butter. It felt weird since I got used to his grumpy tone but... it was nice. “I had a dream?”

“You sound unsure.” “Because I am... it felt so real. There were two men talking. One was a king? And the other was a man named Victor.” He signals for me to go on.

“Victor was going on about needing more time, but the king was saying only 3 days and something about her powers? And Victor was talking about someone finding themselves... Then a house being burnt down and hawkbears?”


“Yeah.” I look down at my hands in my lap. “It felt so real... like I could feel everything around me.”  

He sighs before standing. “I believe you... Just don’t tell the others yet.” While nodding in agreement he walks out. What a crazy night... And morning?!  


I jump at Luna’s calls. “Coming!” I sigh and quickly run out to the rest of the group wondering what will come of today... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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