16. Two Ghosts

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"Ser Trystane," I nodded.

He bowed, staring up at Volantis behind me. "To what do we owe the honour? We weren't expecting you... Your grandmother ha-"

"I know Princess Rhaenys is here. We escaped King's Landing together," I removed the gloves from my hands. "I require an audience with my mother."

He bowed. "Of course, Princess."

I glanced back at Volantis behind me, patiently watching."Ser Trystane..." I called.

"Yes, Princess?"

I closed my eyes, breathing in the last moments I might ever have with her. "If Volantis wishes to leave, let her... She is not to be forced to stay in the caves if she does not wish."

He bowed. "I'll send someone to notify the Dragonkeepers, Princess."

"Alicent demanded the two of you claim for Aegon?" She clutched her stomach.

"She did," Rhaenys spoke. "We refused her."

Daemon found her words difficult believe. "And yet you are alive while Vaella resides in King's Landing?"

"As I mentioned before, she might've taken to dragonback."

"Yet she is not with you?"

"I wasn't there to see her success or fail."

"I'm here," I entered.

"Vaella," my mother breathed, walking towards me. "You've come on dragonback as Rhaenys spoke?"

"I almost didn't."

She hugged me, eagerly. "Seven hells," she kissed the top of my head.

"The Dragonkeepers got hold of me, almost threw me before the Hightowers but Volantis burned them all. She saved me."

If I was desperate enough to believe it, I'd think Rhaenys looked at me and nodded with approval.

"But there's no time to joust about it," I frowned.

"Alicent had you locked you away—attempted to buy your allegiance, as well?" Daemon inquired.

"She'd not spoken to me other than to find where Aegon had fled," I responded. "It was Aemond in her place, but he mentioned nothing of my loyalty to my husband."

"What was it he spoke of?" My mother asked.

"When I was locked in Baelon's nursery, he paid me a visit to tell me of an offer Aegon proposed to see that he escape Westeros," I looked at her, my eyes begging for sympathy. "He doesn't want it, mother."

"The High Septon crowned Aegon in the Dragonpit. We both were witnesses to it before we fled on Dragonback, Princess."

"They crowned him before the masses?" My mother's face twisted in disgust.

"So that the masses would see him as their rightful King."

I grabbed her hands. "Aegon was forced, mother, you must believe me when I tell you this..."

"That whore of a Queen murdered my brother and stole his throne and you could have burned them all for it..." Daemon spat at Rhaenys.

"A war is likely to be fought over this treachery, to be sure...but that war is not mine to begin."

He scoffed.

"I only rushed this news and saw to it that your daughter have a chance at escaping out of loyalty to my husband and to my House..." She stepped forward. "Because Vaella is Aegon's wife, had it not been for me, Ser Erryk would have left her in the Red Keep. It was me who got her here and me who rushed to inform you of this tragedy."

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