1. Silver Sable

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"All three are fine ones," I observed.

"Yeah," Jace extended his neck over the batch.

The variety of dragon eggs to pick from were beautiful—all mimicking scales made of iron. We were careful not to touch any, so we pointed to our favourites and described why they were better than the others.

"No. It should be less dull," Jace suggested.

"Well let us agree on a colour—the purple one, surely."

Jace and Luke stared at me, silently.

"Alright...never mind."

"Not all will hatch. We need to choose the one we believe will."

"Let's aim to quicken the pace, you three," Ser Harwin spoke behind us. "Your mother should be near the end of her labors. It would be best if the egg was there before her return."

"What if Luke chose?"

I smiled. "I think that's brilliant, Jace."

"Really?" He asked as Jace pushed him forward.

He nodded. "You should be the one who chooses for the new babe."

"Alright," Luke looked over them, pondering for a few moments before pointing to the black one.

"And he sees a big, scary dragooonn!" Luke smashed his wooden animal into the side of my hand as him, Jace, and I sat on the floor.

"Ow, Luke!" I retracted my hand and shoved him with my other.

Instead of hearing Ser Harwin laugh and urge us to play respectfully again, I heard our parents enter the room. The three of us jumped to our feet, excited to show them what we'd chosen.

"Mother," Jace hurried past her and raised the lid. "Look."

"We chose an egg for the baby," Luke said.

"Ahh," our mother—glossy and tired—laughed, using Ser Harwin's arm for support to lower herself onto the divan. "That looks like the perfect one."

"It is," I smiled.

"We let Luke choose."

"Thank you," he replied, softly.

"It's not every day an egg leaves the Dragonpit, Princess," Ser Harwin walked to see the babe in our father's arms. "I thought it best to escort the lads and missus."

When I noticed what my father held, I, too, joined his side. "Is that the babe?"

"It is," my father swayed him.

"Laenor and I thank you, Commander," our mother bowed her head, and he the same.

"Another boy, I heard?"

Our father, too busy cradling the babe, paid no mind to the conversation. "What a fine knight you are going to make, eh?" He pushed the blanket out of his face.

"Might I?" Ser Harwin asked.

When my father offered no response, my mother alerted him. "Ser Harwin wishes to be introduced to Joffery."

He lifted his head to the Commander. "Of course."

"Joffery is it?" Ser Harwin smiled.

"Mm-hm," our father placed the babe in his arms.

The Commander bounced him lightly, smiling down as we all watched. I tried to move closer, rising on my tippy toes to see his face, but Ser Harwin was too tall.

The Fire & Blood of Dragonriders [Aegon II Targaryen]Where stories live. Discover now