Chapter 9

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: Acquaintances :

***Flash back***

Snake landed to the ground with a thud.
"Almost. You keep getting distracted." One Eye walked over to him and helped him up.
Snake growled with annoyance. "I'm never going to get this right."
One Eye whisked his tail over Snake's shoulder. "You'll never know unless you keep trying. Come on let's give it one more go." he assured him.
Snake sighed. "I bet all the other kits can do it." he mumbled.
"Actually they can't. You're doing better than any of the other kits." One Eye informed him.
Snake blinked in surprise. "Really?!" he exclaimed.
One Eye nodded.
Snake felt energy course through him. "Alright! I can try one more time!"

Snake sat up groggily. He blinked away sleep, tiredness was still dragging him down.
Fluff. . . I've never been this tired before. . . Lack of sleep is terrible.
He stretched as good as he could with only three legs and yawned.
Snake limped out of his den, fighting back another yawn.
He made his way over to where patrols were being sorted, for once there were no glares exchanged between he and Clear Sky.
Good. I'm too tired for this nonsense.
Snake was barely paying attention as patrols got sorted. He was once again assigned to a patrol with Clear Sky. That was still so annoying. Why did Clear Sky have to insist on Snake patrolling with him?
It's obvious. He doesn't trust me. Which is pretty stupid. If I did anything on any patrol I'd be reported for it. Snake sighed. He was probably going to trip a lot during this patrol.

And Snake's theory was proven correct. After the third time he fell, Clear Sky just stopped and waited for him to catch up.
Is he being passive aggressive or is he actually worried? I may never know. Snake wondered. It was most likely a mix of both. Definitely more passive aggressive though, even if there was some concern.
Snake had to bite his tongue to stop from yawning. I'm going to sleep early tonight. He decided.
Snake suddenly fell. "Oh for the spirits sakes!" he hissed with frustration.
Clear Sky once again paused and just waited for him to get back up.
"Are you ok Snake?" Acorn Fur asked.
"Fine." Snake mumbled in response. A little annoyed that she had asked. Don't think I forgot that you were one of the cats that attacked me as I was being exiled.
Snake suddenly had a thought. Why am I suddenly so uninterested in getting my revenge? I mean before I came to SkyClan I was so focused on killing Clear Sky. And now. . . Well I don't know.

Snake was picking at a shrew. He would much prefer to be eating any other prey. He hated shrews. It had been his late father's favorite prey. It brought his trauma to the surface.
Snake looked down at the scar on his tail.

***Flash back***
Snake looked up at his father. "I-I did my best." he stammered.
"Your best?! That was terrible!" He snarled.
"Leave him be. He's only three moons old." Pink Eyes told Mist dryly.
At least one of my dads doesn't hate me. Snake thought miserably. But I'm worthless. So of course Mist hates me. Snake's tail twitched.
"Stop coddling him!" Mist snapped.
Pink Eyes narrowed his gaze. "If being a decent parent is coddling. . . Then is One Eye coddling is his kits?"
Mist rolled his eyes. "Of course he is. You aren't supposed to tell your kits you love them before they've done anything worth it."
Pink Eyes growled. "This is why we're broken up." he stalked off.
Mist turned back to Snake. "What are you staring at?!" he snarled.
"N-nothing." Snake stammered.
Mist suddenly slashed his claws along Snake's tail.
Snake leaped back in shock.
Mist eyed him like he was the scum of the earth. "Get out of my sight you useless brat!" he snapped.
Snake rushed away, blood splattering the ground.

Snake shook his head. Why did he always have to get distracted?
He realized there was an argument happening.
And of course it's between Thunder and Clear Sky. Snake sighed and rolled his eyes.
"You aren't a leader anymore! You need to hurry up and accept that!" Clear Sky hissed.
Thunder lashed his tail in irritation. "I wouldn't have lost my clan if you had just listened to me! I told you Star Flower wasn't trustworthy and you didn't listen!"
Snake could tell they must have been arguing for a while.
"Don't blame me for this!" Clear Sky snarled, shaking with rage.
"Why?! Why shouldn't I?! If you had just listened for once in your life my mate wouldn't be dead!" Thunder looked on the verge of tears.
"Dont use your mate being dead as an excuse to undermine me!" Clear Sky snarled.
Snake watched. Is it sad I'm not surprised? This is just typical Clear Sky behavior. He stood up and limped into his den, not wanting to see anymore kin fighting.

They're finally acquaintances, SOON MY MASTER PLAN WILL BE COMPLETE

I don't give up, but I do change plans | A warrior cats AU Where stories live. Discover now