Chapter 16

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: Accident :

Snake was grooming himself outside his den, the kits were busy playing with Thunder. So Snake was alone.
He could feel Clear Sky's eyes on him. The grey and white tom just stared at him, still utterly shocked from the previous afternoon.
Snake wondered how it would be brought up.
Thorn exchanged a look between the two of them, brow raised in suspicion. Then he randomly said, "Well I told you, it's not my fault you didn't listen."
A bunch of cats gave him confused looks.
"Who are you talking to?" Blossom asked.
Thorn ignored her. He was waiting for a response from Clear Sky.
Blossom caught Snake's eye.
Snake shrugged. He was just as confused as his younger sister. It was clear Thorn was saying something to Clear Sky. But he couldn't for the life of him figure out what.
Clear Sky's tail twitched, he glared at Thorn. "What's that supposed to mean?!" he demanded.
Thorn eyed him. "You know exactly what it means."
Thunder watched them. He looked confused and curious.
"You don't know anything! Just shut up!" Clear Sky snapped.
Snake was standing protectivly in front of Thorn in an instant. "Leave him alone!" he hissed.
"Of course, Snake wants to defend his mate." Leaf scoffed.
"It's very sad that you've never defended your friends, or been defended by them." Acorn Fur responded flatly.
Snake was distracted by them for a moment. But he shook his head and turned back to what was happening. "Thorn didn't do anything! Leave him alone!"
Clear Sky looked taken aback. He clearly wasn't expecting Snake to say anything. He didn't respond, just stalked off.
I expected him to say something. . . Why didn't he? Snake was shocked. He expected that to go a lot worse.
Thorn dipped his head. "Thanks."
Snake shrugged. "It was nothing."
Snake briefly caught Pink Eyes' gaze. There was a glimmer of approval in his eyes.
Snake felt pleased with himself. He had finally done something right.

The next morning Snake expected some kind of consequence for what he did.
And he was right.
Snake limped over to where patrols were being sorted. "Can I join the border patrol?" he asked, the answer was usually yes. Unless he was being left the watch the kits.
Clear Sky didn't even meet Snake's gaze. "No, I want you on the hunting patrol."
Snake's tail fell, even though he expected this it still hurt him deeply. "Oh. . . Ok." the pain in his voice was far too obvious for no one to notice.
Clear Sky looked up, guilt immediately visible in his eyes. But he didn't say anything.
Snake didn't say anything else, he just limped over to the hunting patrol's other members, Acorn Fur, Thunder and Quick Water.

The patrol was going about as well as could be expected. Quick Water was making petty remarks the entire time.
"Quick Water can you please stop? Snake hasn't done anything to you." Thunder sounded agitated.
Quick Water scoffed. "He isn't even hunting."
"Well excuse me for having a limp!" Snake snapped.
"You aren't even trying!" Quick Water snapped.
"Because it's only New-leaf and I don't want to lose precious prey? Excuse me for caring about the Clan's well being I guess." Snake flicked his tail in annoyance.
"Quick Water come on, let's just hunt." Acorn Fur urged.
Quick Water shot Snake one final glare.
Snake was unbothered. He was still so upset from the morning's events.
"Are you okay?" Thunder asked.
Snake shrugged. "Probably."
"What do you expect from Clear Sky?" Thunder sighed.
"More than this. . ." Snake whispered, finding himself fighting back tears.
"I'm confused. . . I thought you hated him?" Thunder tipped his head.
"Life is weird. . ." Snake muttered.
"What do you mean by that?" Thunder asked.
"I don't hate Clear Sky. I don't like him either." Snake hoped he got his point across. But he didn't. That wasn't a surprise. He had never been good with words.

I don't give up, but I do change plans | A warrior cats AU Where stories live. Discover now