Chapter 27- Plan into Action

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My heart races as the GPS woman tells us to go left and right. We will be at Than base by night fall. Thanatos is going down with his organization along with him. The people trapped in Than rules can finally escape. The plan just keeps going on and on in my head: go through the door, open gates, then go kick Thanatos's ass.

"So who is going to unlock the gates?" Orvyn asked.

"I am since I know the place. There is a metal door that opens to this elevator lift; we will take that to the main level where there is this long hallway full of guards; I will knock them out."

"What if they shoot at you?" Cedric asked concerned.

"We can't kill them, the reason we are going to Than is to save the people that want out and to kill Thanatos."

"So we are going in there guns blazing? That's a suicide mission." Orvyn informed.

"There is a way of knocking them out faster. Zarola and Theron, concentrate on only knocking them out while you go through them." Ludwik educated.

"Go through them? What happens if..."

"It won't." Ludwik interrupted Zarola.

"We need that hallway open and leave the elevator lift open so people can leave." I said.

"Ok, so let's say the elevator and hallway are open. Then what happens?" Orvyn asked.

"Kill Thanatos and show it to the people. They would not know what to do and then would all leave, they would all be free." We drove for another hour until I started to see this abandoned factory. "Stop here. They probably have cameras outside."

We get out of the car and I just stare at the building. Never thought I would be here again when I left Than.

"You okay?" Cedric asked worried about me.

"Yea, of course, I'm at the place where I was held hostage all my life I'm fine." I said sarcastically.

Walking forward I get anxious. I breathe and shift into invisible mist form; I think I am getting a handle of my powers. Zarola and our father also shift into mist form, Cedric and Orvyn shift into their wolf form so they would not be recognized.

Zarola, Ludwik, and I flew over to the factory gate while Cedric and Orvyn ran over. I went through the gate making it shatter so Cedric and Orvyn can walk through. We wander around trying to find the metal door to the elevator lift. There it is, the metal door. It is the beginning of the end. I go through the elevator and open it from the inside in my human form. Once we are all inside, the rest of them shift back to human form.

Here we go; I press the down button. Three, two, one, the elevator opens and the agents all spin their heads and guns towards us. They do not have any time to react to anything else because I shifted along with Zarola and our father into mist form and went through all of them.

Sephtis's P.O.V.

I scream in pain. BANG! My father shoots my leg. He had shot my arm and now my leg teaching me not to betray him. I cannot even touch my wound; I am still glued to this chair.

"Next time you would learn to respect me!"

"There will not be a next time," I wheeze.

"And why is that?" He grits.

"Because you won't live another day." I snarled.

"Yes I will," He laughed, "You know the funny thing son? It is that I knew, and I still know the whole plan, Theron and her little band of misfits have come to kill me. What were their names? Zarola, Orvyn, her beloved lover Cedric," I flinched when he said that; are they together? Was she with him this whole time and she never once tried to mention it? She still cannot hold that lying grudge thing can she? ", and supposed Ludwik."

"What? What do you mean supposed? Ludwik is her father."

"Nah uh uh," He wagged his finger no. "Ugh, I can't wait till they get here to uncover the mystery and all the lies 'Ludwik' has been feeding her." Thanatos used air quotes on Ludwik's name. Why? What is he even saying?

"How did you know our every move? Why didn't you do anything?"

"I watched Theron's every move including the move you made on her. Should I show the video to her lover?"


"Theron's eye." Thanatos smiled evilly, "We implanted a camera in Theron's eye right when we took her in. She does not remember a thing because she was knocked out, and she was four so she would hardly remember a thing at that age."

"You monster!" I pushed and pulled trying to get out of the chair to rip his throat out. He just laughed as if it were no big deal.

"I have her whole life on video. Do you want to see where they are now?" Thanatos clicked the remote and a video of everyone in the elevator lift. "Oh, there are almost here."

I watched the screen hoping they would turn back. Whatever Thanatos has planned, it is not good. Then I saw something I did not expect, Zarola, Ludwik, and I am guessing Theron turned in to smoke too. They went right through the agents knocking them out.

"Oh did I forget to tell you Theron, Zarola, Orvyn, and Ludwik aren't just werewolves?"


"They are Shadow Wolves, whatever those are. Though they are also not just any Shadow Wolves, they the bloodline of the Royal Shadow Wolves."

"Are you saying Theron is a princess to her kind?"

"Yes, basically. Oh, one other thing, that giant whole in the wall, it was Theron; she went right through it and pew." He made an explosion sound and gesture with his hands.

I went back to watching the video, agents going left and right, the three going through people and knocking them out. Why isn't Orvyn in his smoke like form? Cedric and Orvyn are knocking the agents out old style, with their fists. It looks like they are not killing anyone. Well they really cannot if they want to rescue everyone. Soon a whole army of assassins were taken down. So many knocked out bodies lumped on the floor. So many people that have lost their personal lives and innocence. They shifted back to their human forms and came closer and closer to the door were waits a trigger-happy mentally impaired man.

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