Chapter 32-Part 2- Elden

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"What are you talking about?"

"I'm not Ludwik, I'm Elden."

I take a step back with confusion and worry. "Tell me your joking. Your joking with me right?" He was silent which proves that he is not joking. "Who are you?! Why are you pretending to be our father?!"

"Theron, I never said I was pretending to be their father." He looked at me with pure sadness.

My heart broke and shattered into a million pieces. I took another step back, then another, then another, then I sprinted out of his sight and into the forest. Tears started to flood my eyes. Who am I? Is anything Elden told me is true? Then who is Ludwik? Who is my family? Are they dead? Are they alive? So many questions flew through my head. Why would he pretend to be my father? What would he gain from it? I broke down in tears. Do I even have a family? Every one keeps lying to me. Why does everyone lie to me?

Between my tears I shift into mist form going left and right. I can't control any of my emotions right now. They all flood in and I just have to let everything out. I calm down drying my tears away and shift into my wolf. All I can think of and do is run. I run and run with the wind blowing through my fur. The birds chirp and the leaves whistle in the trees. It feels like a thousand weights were lifted off my chest.

A scent hit my nose; it was a very beautiful but familiar smell. It is Cedric's scent. I follow the scent towards him. I see him and he sees me in our wolf form. I have seen him in his wolf form before but it was at a hectic time. Now it's calm and I take a good look at Cedric's brown wolf and he sees my grey wolf. We finally came next to each other and he rubbed his wolf-y head at mine and I did the same. We shift into human form and embrace each other. All my stress goes away. There is no one but me and him in this moment. I don't want this moment to end.

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