A Greeting

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Sometimes when I reminisce I think about this upload,

It holds so many parts of me that I haven't seen in a long while,

And an awful lot more that have come along with me over the years, for better or for worse.

There has always been a sickness in me, I knew it then and I know it now,

I re-read these poems holding my own hand, whispering reassurances, at times I am scooping the babe I was before all of this into my arms tenderly, as if it were the most precious of all of Gods Gifts. He does nothing but what he is directed to, he is not built for all that came.

The babe, the boy and the man all stand here in these words in one way or another, mainly the boy and unfortunately he's not too much of a wordsmith but with that, if you've read this thank you, have a wonderful day

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