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True smiled as she watched Nehemiah place the angel on top of the tree she bought for him. After being at his place for three days, True noticed that Nehemiah didn't have a tree. She bought him a medium sized tree and ornaments while he was mounting a new television for one of his friends. It was a surprise to Nehemiah; however, he was extremely grateful.

"It's so cute!" True exclaimed.

Nehemiah smiled. "I appreciate this a lot. I haven't had a Christmas tree since my mom passed away."

"Next year we're gonna get a bigger tree." True said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Next year, huh?" Nehemiah said, kissing her lips. "Shit, next year we might be buying a house and preparing for NJ."

"We're moving to New Jersey?" True asked as she tilted her head to the side.

Nehemiah sucked her teeth. "Nah, girl! Nehemiah Jr.!"

True laughed. "Oh, you want kids?"

"Just two." Nehemiah replied. "Let me marry you, get our house, and become well established before we have our babies."

True giggled. She didn't mind Nehemiah planning their future. She actually loved it. The thought of being with him forever sounded great. "Sounds like a plan—a fantastic plan. However, I want six kids."

"Damn!" Nehemiah exclaimed. "That's a lot!"

"I always wanted a big family. The more, the merrier." True explained as she kissed his lips.

All of a sudden, there was a loud knock at Nehemiah's door. He knew it was Rashad because according to him, "real niggas don't use doorbells."

Nehemiah opened the door and allowed Rashad and Troy in. "Hey, sweetie pies! It feels like I haven't been over here in forever!" Troy said as she took off her coat.

"Because you haven't." Nehemiah chuckled.

"Oh, shit. You decided to put up a Christmas tree?" Rashad asked.

"Baby doll bought it for me." Nehemiah answered, kissing True on the cheek.

"Awww, I cant get over how cute y'all are!" Troy said with the biggest smile on her face. "Have y'all had sex yet?"

"Okay, that's enough!" Rashad chimed in. "Damn, we just got here and you're gonna get us kicked out already!"

"Yeah, let's go ahead and eat so y'all can get out of here." Nehemiah said, making True laugh. He decided to invite Rashad and Troy over for dinner, but now he was regretting it.

"Oop! Not you being rude!" Troy said as they walked into the kitchen. "But listen! I got some tea for y'all!"

"What?" True asked while getting some plates out.

"Shiloh got her ass kicked in the hospital parking lot by the chief of surgery's wife and teenage daughter." Troy told them.

Nehemiah and True gasped. "She was messing around with him?" Nehemiah asked.

"Yes!" Troy exclaimed. "I don't know what it is with her and taken men! I didn't start seeing this characteristic until she tried to make a pass at Nehemiah, and I'm glad I cut her off."

"Well, I guess she was gonna get her ass beat either way." True shrugged as she began to fix everyone's plates.

Rashad chuckled. "Chill out. I already had to make sure your big sister stayed on her floor after the shit happened."

Troy smiled innocently. "I just wanted to talk."

Nehemiah shook his head. "Yeah, y'all sisters for real."

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