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Nehemiah shamelessly cried in his hands while True did her best to comfort him. After speaking with a police officer, they advised him that there was nothing they could do because Melissa has not done anything physically to him. Everyone in the living room was beyond pissed—especially seeing Nehemiah so hurt.

"There's no way y'all can't do anything. He's fucking crying, man." Trevon fussed.

"I know but—"

"There are no fucking buts!" Tiana cursed. "If it was the other way around then y'all would've put his ass in the dirt. If she does do something and he protects himself, I don't want to hear shit about him getting any charges against him because we went to y'all first and y'all didn't do a fuck ass thing! Get the hell out!"

The officer sighed and nodded before leaving. He honestly understood where they were coming from; however, if he was to capture Melissa then he would get an earful from his boss and they would release her.

"I'll be back. I need to be alone right now." Nehemiah said as he stood up from the couch and walked out of the living room.

"He can't get a break, man." Rashad sighed. "He had a fucked up childhood, his mom passed away, Shiloh tried to force herself on him, his biological father is trying hard to get in touch with him, and now this."

"I'm so heated right now." Tiana said as her leg shook.

True stood up and walked to her room where she knew Nehemiah was located. Even though he said he wanted to be alone, she couldn't allow him to be alone. She walked into the room and found him lying on his back with his hands over his face.

"Babe?" True said, closing the door behind her. "Do you need me to get your workspace set up?"

Nehemiah's boss and HR approved him to work from home to lower the risk of him getting followed to his hideout spot. "True, I don't want to be bothered right now." He told her.

"I'm sorry. I just hate that you're going through so much right now, and there's not much that I can do about it." True said.

Nehemiah removed his hands from his face and looked at True with red watery eyes. "Come lay next to me." True did as told and rested her head on his chest. "I love you."

"I love you too."


True woke up and looked at the time. It was almost seven in the morning. She looked at Nehemiah who was still asleep. She shook him awake because she knew that he had to log into work soon.

"It's time to get up." True said.

Nehemiah groaned as he stretched. "What time is it?"

"Seven." True told him as she got up from the bed. "You still have to get your equipment set up."

"I can just use my laptop, baby. I don't have much to do." Nehemiah said with a yawn. "Come lay back down."

"I have my nine o'clock class today. I have to get ready now." True said as she picked out what she was doing to wear.

"What's tomorrow?" Nehemiah asked.

"Friday." True replied.

"So on Friday I get to suck on some titties while I work." Nehemiah teased, making True laugh.

"Only before lunch because I plan on helping out at the restaurant." True said.

"Let me get some in before you get ready." Nehemiah said.

"Nehemiah, I'm trying to leave by eight." True told him.

"Just give me five minutes." Nehemiah said as he whipped out his hardened dick.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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