DD Osama - Podcast

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Location 📍Asia's House

Low - SZA

Asia's POV -

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Asia's POV -

I was currently getting ready to go to a podcast. If you don't know I'm a famous upcoming rapper. Born and raised in Manhattan.

The podcast was being held in about 2hrs so I decided to get ready. I took my shower did my hair and all of that.

1 hour later

Her outfit :

Yall ain't gotta say tm ik i ptso

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Yall ain't gotta say tm ik i ptso.

I got into my car and drove to the place that the podcast is being held at. When I got there I had like 10 minutes til it was time to start so I just headed in got situated and ready for this thing.

"Hey welcome back, for this week's podcast we have special guest upcoming rapper Asia." The podcaster said as she introduced me.

"Hey yall ik you guys have been requesting me so I'm really glad I could be here on this podcast for you guys"

"So Asia how was your upcoming as a 17 y/o rapper been like?"

"It's been good but also yk very hard because I am so young and to handle rapping and school at the same time hasn't been easy but with the support of my friends and family I am able to make it work" I responded back.

"That's really good to hear but mentioning school how is that do you still go to public school or home schooled?"

"I was going to public school in 10th grade but then I started going up and I was and still am very young so I switched mid year and went home school for the rest of 10th and 11th but now I'm going in 12th and since it's my last time in high school I was thinking about going back to public but I'm not sure yet cause I do wanna finish high school in public".

"That's good and I also applaud you for still continuing school ik a bunch of rappers that just completely dropped out and don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with that but it's good to see that while your rapping and making a name for yourself your also getting your education."

"Thank you so much it's not easy but with the right support you can manage it." I replied back to her statement.

"So is there any new collabs that we will be seeing soon?" She asked me.

"I have a song coming out with rapper ddosama" I said while smiling.

"That's great so how did that come about" the reporter asked.

"Umm I was doing a song and I decided that I wanted someone to be featured on it I didn't know who to pick so I posted this thing on my instagram story asking who do yall wanna see featured on the song and he was most suggested so I messaged him asking and he agreed so ya" I explained to her.

"That's good but from my understanding you guys have been friends for a really long time?" The reporter asked.

"Ya we have been friends for a long time I met him through his little brother notti and we became good friends since then." I said as I answered her question.

"So I hate to asked but it wouldn't be a podcast if not a little messy" the reporter went on to say. "Oh lord here we go" I said while laughing a little. "So last year around the summer time some photos was going around they were posted on pleasedontlack, nydrilloffical, and theshaderoom all of that and it was a picture of you laid up in what seems to be your bed with a unknown boy people were saying that it could of been luhtyler or ddosama so what I'm asking is who was it dd or tyler" she asked smiling.

"Umm it wasn't Tyler that all I finna say" I responded while laughing. "So it was dd?" "I mean ya but that was over like a year ago I'm still surprised yall remember that" I said while laughing.

"So let me ask you this are things still going on with you guys like are yall together what's the tea sis" she asked.

"Umm idk how to explain it we aren't dating but we do have something that we both are working on together we're just trying to keep it out of the media and focus on us" I said answering her question.

"That's great we all know that probably one of the cost of some relationships is social media so it's good to keep it private" she responded back.

"The only thing we have left that the people requested to be talked about was the rumors going around with Alabama and dd and also Alabama throwing subliminals online" the reporter asked.

"Uh yea I don't know Alabama from a can of paint so it kinda shocked me when I saw those posts but one thing about me is I'm always gonna be the bigger person so I chose to ignore her and as of the rumors of them I can confirm that they were not true so that's all I got to say" I answered.

"Wow for a 17 y/o your response to the question and the whole situation was really surprising" she said.

"I mean why would I fight and argue with someone that I didn't even know until this whole thing started especially over a boy that ik is always gonna come back home" I said while laughing.

"I know that's motha fucking right" the reporter said while laughing also. "But that's all we have for today it was really nice having you on this podcast today Asia" the reporter said.

"It was really nice thank you for having me" I said saying bye.

"And that's it for today's podcast with the upcoming rapper Asia until next time" the reporter said ending the podcast.

A/n - honestly I did not know what I was doing with this I was just writing whatever popped up in my head like I did not have any motivation for this one but I hope it's still great.

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