SDot Go - Power Trip

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Location 📍 Driving Around Manhattan

Power Trip - J.Cole and Miguel

Cole and Miguel

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No one POV -

Armani and her boyfriend Sdot were going on a late night drive to clear their minds. It was currently summer so they had the windows down and was just driving around the city.

Currently they were on instagram live while playing music. "Hey yall how are you guys" she asked the live.

user45992 - where sdot at ?

"he's right here yall" armani said while turning the camera so that they can see him while sdot throws up his sets.

free_dasweeps - aaa my man so fineee

we_lovemani - mani so pretty

nycbaddie - where yall going ?

"aww thank you so much, we not going nowhere we just decided to take a little late night drive to clear our minds" mani said as she replies to the comments.

"Bae you hungry" Sdot asked. "No im good bae but thank you for asking" mani said as she smiled at him.

12345678_87654321 - aww they so cute

ilove_drillrappperz - she so in love with him

Looking at the comments mani started to smile she turned the camera towards her and sdot cheesing as she grabbed his face and said "yes yall he literally my favorite person on this planet i love him." As she was saying that sdot started to smile as he pulled up to a red light grabbed her face and gave her a kiss.

nydrilloffical - favorite nyc  couple 👀. 
    asia_millions replied - what is you doing here.😭

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