damn owl

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Hook and the other villains stand in front of the school tense and charged with an air of defiance. The night is heavy with the threat of an impending storm, clouds swirling ominously overhead as if mirroring the turmoil brewing below.

Hook stands at the forefront, his posture relaxed but his eyes sharp, assessing every detail of the grand school entrance before them. His hook gleams in the dim light, a silent reminder of the danger he embodies. Flanked by his fellow villains, he exudes a calm, almost cocky confidence, as if the very ground they stand on is theirs for the taking.

He looked down at the others. "Coast is clear." He jumped down the tree elegantly and stood next to Morgie and Blanc. Next to them was Uliana who shook her head. "Not yet." She said while watching Red cautious who jumped down and went to the entry.

Maleficent, leaning casually against Hades, rolled her eyes at their theatrics, unfazed by the tension in the air. Blanc, however, stood apart, gazing at Red with uncertainty. What was she planning?

Blanc bit her lip, her body tense with unease. The rain drummed steadily around them, heightening the sense of anticipation. Sensing her distress, Morgie stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Leaning in, he whispered softly in her ear, "Don't worry. She'll still be your friend."

Hades glanced up and remarked casually, "Well, if she was really your friend..."

Maleficent shot him a glare and rolled her eyes, giving him a playful shove against the chest.

Blanc glanced up at him, realizing he had a point. If they were truly her friends, they would understand that she genuinely wanted to do the right thing.

Red dashed through the rain, climbing swiftly before slipping into the principal's office. She pulled off her soaked hoodie and tossed it to the floor, then deftly removed a pin from her hair to pick the lock on the office door.

As she was about to enter, Chloe appeared, catching her off guard. Red hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "What are you doing here?" she asked, still a bit mad about their earlier argument. She braced herself, expecting Chloe to continue the confrontation and accuse her of doing the wrong thing.

To Red's surprise, Chloe met her gaze with unwavering determination. "Getting my hands dirty," she replied firmly.

Red chuckled, disbelief evident in her expression as she looked at the bluenette. "You're actually going to break into the principal's office?" she asked, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"It's for a good cause," Chloe said with a nod, and Red's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh, so you're already justifying your crimes? Love it," Red replied, a bright smile spreading across her face as relief and happiness washed over her. She was thrilled to have her friend back.

As they locked eyes, their hearts seemed to beat in unison. Even though they had only been apart for a day, they truly missed each other.

Red shook her head, breaking free from her thoughts and once again disrupting their moment. "We can't count on Blanc anymore," she said firmly to Chloe, turning back to work on the lock. Chloe tilted her head, watching her closely. "What? Why?"

"I saw her almost kissing Hook," Red replied. "She's a lost cause." It pained her to speak about her cousin this way, but the reality of what she'd seen was undeniable.

"Are you sure? Maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions," Chloe suggested cautiously.

Red spun around, frustration evident. "You were the one trying to convince me she was evil!" Chloe's eyes widened, and she paused, recalling her earlier conversation with Ella. "Right..." she admitted, suddenly realizing the inconsistency in her stance.

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