More About The Alpha Echo Enterprise's Crew

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On the bridge, as the Alpha Echo Team is rarely there, there is a 2nd Captain who is Captain Ryan Martinel. He commands the Enterprise while the team isn't there. He goes by He/Him pronouns.

There is also a 2nd 1st officer who is Tim Otani. He helps the Captain make decisions of what needs to happen if something happens. He goes by He/Him pronouns

There is also a 2nd 2nd officer who is Lieutenant Commander Lyle Suttin. He helps with navigating the Enterprise through space and avoiding asteroids. He goes by He/Him pronouns.

There is also a 2nd tactical officer who is Lieutenant Colin Miller. They help when any enemies show up by charging the weapons and putting up our shields. They are what keeps us from destruction when the enemy shows their face. They go by They/Them pronouns.

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