Chapter 43 - Sage

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Chase wasn't kidding when he said we had a little bit of a drive. He also wasn't kidding when he talked about consequences. He's had his hand on my thigh the entire way and has been flirting with danger and keeps going higher. Just when I start to feel a little bit or relief, he pulls away and starts all over. It's torture.

Thankfully it's kept my mind from drifting too much to the court room today. I've never been more scared about my future. When I was in the trauma, I couldn't see out. Now that I have, I see that I really have something good here and I don't want it taken away. 

With Christian locked up for the next thirty years, it helps. I can finally start to enjoy life without always looking over my shoulder. 

I've been trying to pay attention to where we're going but his hand is really distracted me. If he could just go a little bit closer. I push my hips up to try to meet his hand. Chase looks over at me with his signature smirk and shakes his head.

"Look over there, Sage. Do you see where we're going?"

I look over but I can't tell where we are. We've been off the interstate for a little while and it now all I see are trees and a power plant. I scrunch up one side of my face and look over at Chase.

"Where are we?"

I look back to my two best friends and they're both full of smiles. Seems like everyone knows where we are but me. I huff and fall back into my seat.

"Say, you'll love it here. I came with my grandparents a bunch when I was little."

Kelsey's probably right but I'm just a little confused how I would like a power plant?

We finally turn into a parking lot and there's a sign that says Manatee Viewing Center. I smile back at everyone. I wouldn't trade anyone in this car for anything in the world. It's been amazing to watch this family form. Even though Paul kids Chase about being Dad, he's been the mom of the group for as long as I've been around and maybe we've created our own little family within the group.

We get out and walk in. Chase explains how this place works. He tells me how manatees love warm water and because of the power plant letting it out, a ton of them gather back here and they've made this little haven for the manatees. It's now a sanctuary where the manatee are safe and people can view them, spend money, therefore giving back to the manatees for research, health, and protection. 

We find a boardwalk with a sign that points toward the viewing area. I'm pulling Chase by the arm because I can't get there fast enough. The power plant is across the water from us and we're out on a pier over the water. When I look out, there are hundreds of manatee back in this little bay. It's incredible. Big ones, small ones, fat ones. There's all kinds! 

Obviously being in the water with them is amazing, but seeing them all gathered like this together is breathtaking. I don't think I would be able to count them all if I had the chance. Chase puts his arm around me and pulls me towards him. With a kiss to the forehead he begins, "I wanted to make you happy. I don't think I've ever seen so much joy in your eyes than the day we swam with these water puppies. Hell, I don't think I even went under the water once. I was stuck looking at you. It was way better of a view anyways."

I look into my favorite honey eyes and can't help but feel my heart glow. I start to speak but I'm interrupted. 

"Listen, hate to cut this cute little exchange short but they had Dip N Dots over there. Come on!"

Before I know it, Paul is pulling me by the hand and laughing the entire way. Obviously Chase is shaking his head and Kelsey can't control her laughter either. She's picked up on the dynamic that Paul and I have with Chase and she loves to butt right in. 

"Last one there is a rotten egg, Chase." She taunts.

Once we left the viewing area, Chase drove for us to the beach and pointed towards a hotel. 

"We're staying here for the week, hurricane. How's that sound?"

I smile over at him and grab his hand in mine. "Incredible."

We've been here all week now and it's been the best experience. We never went on vacation much when I was a kid. When we did, it was camping most of the time. I never got to see the beach. A week here has been everything I could have dreamed. 

We've done all the beach things. I built my first sandcastle, swan in the ocean, jumped some waves, even tried out skim boarding. My favorite part has been our nightly walks on the beach to watch the sunset. It's been breathtaking. I don't want tonight to be our last one.

"Hey Sage, I have outfits picked out for the night!" Kelsey bust through our bedroom door as Chase quickly tried to cover himself from our nap. We didn't get much sleep but we tried, right?

"Kelsey, do you have any idea what personal space is?" Chase shouts out.

Paul peeks his head through the door and drops a "Nope."

"Great." Chase throws his hands up in the air in defeat.

I hold four fingers up, "Gangs all here, babe."  and laugh at his appalled expression. 

"Where we going tonight, sweet thing? Kelsey says she has it all planned out. Isn't that right, sweetness."

I make a ganging sound in the back of my throat. "Gross, Paul. At least take her to dinner first."

Chase is covering his laugh with his hand. Now it's Paul's turn to throw his arms in the air. "That's what I'm trying to do Say-Say but you won't let me."

He turns towards Kelsey and grabs her hand, pulling it to his mouth for a kiss. They've been flirting back and forth all week and it's honestly kind of cute.

"Now, where were we? Ah. Where am I taking you and the kids to dinner tonight, love?"

Always such a flirt. I throw my pillow at him and everyone starts to laugh. Chase grabs his pillow and that's how we start an adult pillow fight. It's not like I've seen in the movies. There's not feathers flying around but there's tons of squeals and laughter to go around. Once we finally calm down, Kelsey picks up where we left off. "You're wearing this tonight."

She hold up a chiffon black dress with ruffles around the hem. There's a huge cut out for a slit that reaches my thigh and cuts down pretty low in the chest. 

"It's beautiful, but where are we going to wear something so fancy?"

"Since you asked, it's this nice ocean front restaurant. I made us a reservation at 6. We got to get moving if we want to look hot." She emphasizes hot, raising her eyebrows.

I get out of bed and take the dress from her and we both go get ready.

Kelsey always picks out the best clothes. I swear if she weren't an assistant, she would make a perfect fashion designer. Her dress is a baby yellow satin maxi dress with a low cut neckline. It's literally perfection on her body. My dress fits me like a glove as well. I've finally have my diabetes under control and learned how to manage it. It took a while but we're finally getting there. 

I got into a good doctor and he's helped tremendously. Unfortunately, he wants me to still monitor my levels for a little to make sure that I keep everything in check. I had lost a decent amount of weight since I moved to Florida. I hadn't noticed but looking back at some old photos made me realize how serious it was. I'm finally starting to feel comfortable in my own skin and it shows. 

"Wow. Stunning as always, hurricane. You always blow my mind by how beautiful you are."

Chase comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. I'm engulfed by his scent and comfort and try to take this all in.

"Ready to go to dinner. I bet it'll just be Paul and Kelsey flirting the whole time. Want to beat on how many times she can make Paul blush?" I ask.

"Wouldn't miss that for the world, baby girl."

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