Chapter 38 - Sage

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I officially let my apartment go. I live with Chase full time now. Honestly, I don't know what I was thinking trying to keep it. I know I wanted to prove my independence but there's no way that I could have stayed away from him. I would have ended up at his place ninety percent of the time. Luckily, it didn't take much to move out this past week. All we had to do was put my few kitchen items in a box and load up my mattress that Paul helped me get. We plan on setting it up in Chase's guest room tonight since it's been empty this entire time.

Walking into the shop, I greet all the guys. I love the relationship that I've built here, especially with Paul. I've never had a man in my life that I was close to like this. They're always had some type on power over me. I love the push and pull of our friendship. I know that I can always depend on him when needed. We can go from goofing off to serious and it doesn't change anything. He's like a brother to me now.

'Hey there, pretty thing. You have a full schedule today?"

Paul grabs me by the waist and lifts me up on the counter, per our usual. I've wondered occasionally if Chase ever gets jealous or if I should be letting Paul this close to me. My answer in on Chase's face as I look towards his booth. He smiles quickly at me and then gets back to his client.

"It's not too bad at the end of the day but this morning is really full." I sit back on my arms and look back at Paul. "Why? What's up?"

I don't know if I've ever seen Paul nervous but he's looking down at his feet and his face is slightly red. He composes himself quickly and smirks up at me. "What to pull a prank?"

"Do I, the prank queen, what to pull a prank? What kind of question is that?" I laugh. "Of course I'll form this alliance with you."

That's all it takes for him to lean in a whisper in my ear what his plan is. I gasp. There is no way that we can pull this off without Chase absolutely losing his shit. I'm in.

I stay busy all the way through lunch but Chase is waiting at me behind the counter when I come to get a ring for my client. "You're getting a little low." He holds his phone up and shows me the app that is linked to my device. "Take your lunch after this and meet me in the kitchen. Paul can fill in if you need."

He pushes up against me from behind caging me in and places a few kisses down my neck. I find myself barely trying to rock against him to relieve the pressure building between my legs. In a instant, he's on his way back to his station. Damn him for getting me worked up like this.

After finishing my client's new piercing, I take her back up front to ring her out. I hear the front door upon and start my usually greeting when my face drops. I hand my client her card back and thank her while trying to collect myself. Obviously since Christian found me, I figured this would come eventually. In walks my mom as she takes in the shop. It's almost a repeat of how Christian arrived as well. The judgmental looks are identically as she pans to me and tries to smile.

"Hey, honey." She comes around the counter and wraps me up in her arms. Mom has never been one to give me too much affection. The times that she has, it's all been for show. I tense in her arms and keep mine to myself. She pulls back and takes me in. "What is this in your face, Sage Elizabeth! I can't believe you would defile your body like this. It's supposed to be a temple."

Here we go. I roll me eyes and step back to give myself some space.  "What are you doing here mom?"

I wrap my arms around my self to try to protect me from what? I'm not sure. All I know is that all of the progress that I've made,  is quickly backpedaling.

"Can't I see my daughter? After all, you took of and didn't tell a soul. How do you think that looks to the church? Everyone was depending on you."

"Right." I huff. "Of course, Mom. What was I thinking?"

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