Chapter 3 ~ The Reaper

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"You can call me The Reaper, darling."

The Reaper?

I freeze against his ironclad grip. He can't be.

I know The Reaper.

Well, not personally, but everyone who frequents Utopia knows him. He's the most decorated and skilled fighter the fighting club had ever seen.

Until he mysteriously disappeared three years ago and hasn't been sighted since.

The Reaper was renowned, he had an undefeated win streak that was at least double what I accredited myself to, and I've been an undefeated fighter for over almost three years. The Reaper was my role model, I even fashioned my fighting gear after his own.

The fighting gear I was wearing now, the gear that he held with unyielding, silent strength.

"What are you talking about?" His grip slackens just enough for me to wrench my hand free and take multiple steps backward into my cell.

"I meant just what I said, girl." He folds his arms and gives me a horribly smug smile, "Do you... know me, perhaps?"

"Everyone knows you." I spit.

"Well yes, I suppose that is true, so much for secrecy huh? Can't even be cool anymore with my legend practically stamped on my forehead-"

"Why are you here?" I interrupt his monologue. "Where did you go three years ago?"

"now that, darling, is a story for another day." He coos, "you might as well just appreciate my presence now eh? Some people dream of meeting me, yknow?"

The Reaper gives me a haughty look and I feel my blood start to boil. Somehow in less than twenty-four hours I've managed to get kidnapped, become a prisoner to The Treasure of all ships, and meet my biggest role model, who turns out is the biggest asshole to ever grace this kingdom. I feel sweat start to gather at the small of my back and curse inwardly, the well placed fear coursing through my blood slowly being replaced with something more annoyed, more dangerous.

"I don't care if you're The Reaper," I say, bringing my feet willingly closer to the cell bars, feeling his pointed stare against mine as my body draws closer to his once again. "Being on this ship, on this crew, means you're nothing but a filthy pirate, so back off and bring me to your captain or I'll strangle you with my bare hands."

To say I'm surprised is a severe understatement when he gives me a frightening, genuine, smile. His teeth are straight, and white, and I notice he has a slightly crooked grin, lips pulling up to reveal sharp canines.

"Well I'll be bloody damned!" He surges forward till his nose almost touches my own. "You've got spunk, and guts." He aggressively pokes my forehead with a pointer finger, and I notice his eyes don't seem as uptight anymore, albeit a hint of crazy still present. "I almost hope the captain keeps ya, you'd make a stellar apprentice."

He wishes. I think Bitterly. It seems he's deescalated the situation though, I feel my breath beginning to even out, and I don't feel the need to retreat to the corner of the room.

I decide to change the subject. He seems more amiable now, maybe he will answer some of my questions.

"Why isn't there anyone else here?" I ask with folded arms.

"Aye," he cocks a brow at me and looks around, "Guess there ain't... you're in the... what's the best wording... Fancy Prison. Now, before you ask, yes there are two prisons, did you think this ship ran off of magic? Nah, we keep the slaves down a floor, down by the bilge and the flesh eating rats, savvy? This prison is smaller, designed for, more important people, we don't usually come by much of those sort, hence the empty cells, you're the first in probably six months I reckon."

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