Chapter 5 ~ Port Spire

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CW: swearing, mild violence

Three days.

    I'd begun to grow used to the eternal dimness of my small cell, grown used to the gentle rocking and swaying of the massive ship on an unruly sea, and for the most part, gotten used to the constant hunger gnawing at my gut. Per Captain's orders, I'd been starved ever since that day I looked him in the eye. I was supposed to not have water either, but Wooyoung seemed to take pity on me, secretly bringing me just enough water to survive, he didn't do much else besides that, though. Charged with overseeing my stay, he would check in on me every once in a while, but only to see if I had kicked the bucket yet. I tried to talk to him, asking him what was going to happen next and when I would be able to eat again, but he would never answer, only stare at his own feet and mutter a hushed apology before darting back up the stairs. Out of all the people I had met so far, besides the Harbinger, Wooyoung seemed the hardest to grasp. San was prideful and boisterous but in a more quiet and cunning way, and Mingi was just loud and chaotic, albeit a little scary. I hadn't seen either of them since Mingi took me to see the Captain, I supposed they were too busy come down and say hi, if that was something they even wanted to do, San was probably still angry at me from a few days ago, I'll admit I was being a bitch, but a large part of me thinks I deserve to be a bitch after all that's happened.

    I'm interrupted from a fitful mid-afternoon nap by the Treasure lurching forward and almost flinging me off the bed. Groaning and rubbing my eyes, I throw off the blankets and make my way to the small circular window in my cell. The window is the only means by which I've been able to grasp the time of day, and I peer out into the frothing ocean, waves glittering under the afternoon sun. I've only ever looked out into the vast and empty ocean through the window, in fact I don't even think I've seen a passing ship, which is why I was more than surprised when I looked out the window and saw that the lurching motion of the Treasure was actually it docking.

    Port Spire.

    That's where San and the Harbinger had said they were going next. I looked out over the long wooden docks spanning the shoreline of what appeared to be a decently populated little city. Smaller boats tossed and turned against the ropes tying them to the large wooden poles jutting out of the murky water, men of shapes and sizes scurried around, some carrying large wooden crates, barrels, and other inventory from their ships onto the docks. I made the assumption that Port Spire is probably a trading hub for sea voyagers, I also assumed that I have never been here. Given that this port allowed The Treasure to dock here, must mean that whoever runs this little trading center is in cahoots with pirates, which the Royal Navy strictly outlaws on all of our coastline and island towns and cities.

    It felt like an eternity since I had even seen other people, better yet actual land, and I felt myself wanting to cry at the sight. I've never been one to miss home per say, but I never knew how much I missed hard ground to walk on, maybe it is the fact that I've been taken prisoner that's making me so homesick, that's what I tell myself anyways. My stomach groans loudly and I sigh against the thick glass of the window. I eagerly await any sort of food, I'd been keeping track of the days so I know that if the Captain were to keep his word, someone would bring me food tonight, and I prayed to the gods that the Captain kept his word, I don't know how much longer I'd last down here, no food, little to no water, and no company besides the flickering gas lantern to keep me company. I was beginning to get lost in my own thoughts when a familiar voice pulled me out of my reverie.

    "Heiress." I turn my head around to face Wooyoung, who has sat down cross legged beside the bars of my cell. It's been so long since he's sat down to talk to me, and I feel a small spark of hope in me that today might be different than the others.

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