Chapter 8 ~ A Sort of Silent Anger

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The first thing that assaults my eyes when I wake up is a pair of green eyes and a bright flashlight in my face.

    I blink slowly, groaning lowly as my pupils attempt to adjust to my new state of consciousness. As I come to, I realize two things, one; I appear to not be dead, two; there is a distinct throbbing in my stomach area. Memories come flooding back to me, and I try to lean up to look at what has happened to my wound, only to be greeted by a sharp pain shooting up my right side. Wincing, I make eye contact with Yeosang, who is smiling a bit too cheerily for my liking.

    "Ah, you're awake." He mumbles lightly, stepping away from me to tinker with a syringe. "I had begun to dread the low possibility you had died."

    "you're a medic?" I ask him, wondering why the sandy-haired navigator was currently administering me some kind of pain med with obvious skill.

    "I dabble." He drawls, poking my left side.

    "Ow! What the fuck?!"

    "Sorry, just checking." He grimaces, turning back to a small table to scribble notes in a worn leather book. "But yes, I happen to be the medic, as well as the navigator."

    "Huh." I say absentmindedly, letting my eyes take in what I would assume to be the med bay. It was a small room, so small that only three beds fit comfortably on one wall, and a small desk lie adjacent, littered with medical supplies and papers. The sheets on the beds are a worn white, dingy, but not as dirty as I would have assumed them to be. I lay on the bed farthest to the right, my eyes scan the other beds, wondering if anyone else has been injured badly enough to be put on bed rest. The middle bed is empty, sheets clean and tidy, the third bed is- oh shoot me again will you.

    A certain, inky-haired man lies motionless on the third bed, sleeping. Chest rising gently with shallow breaths. His face is more or less peaceful for the first time I've ever seen. I wrench my eyes away from The Harbinger and towards Yeosang.

    "Why on earth is he here?"

    "Yeosang frowns, as if not understanding my frustration. "Right after he killed the captain, some rogue who we thought was dead stood back up and shot him twice in the shoulder. Nasty bullets to try and remove i'll tell you, he'll probably be in here for as long as you."

    You've got to be screwing with me.

    I mull it over in my head and, after becoming somewhat resigned, I just hope that he wakes up as few times as possible. It's not like he can shove me against a wall and put a gun to my head in his current state, anyways. Yeosang looks at me with mild amusement, and I imagine I might have a visible stormcloud I manifested through a sheer amount of anger.

    "You really hate Captain, don't you?"

    "Well no shit Sherlock." I bite back, attempting to cross my arms but failing miserably. "He hated me first anyways."

    "I guess that's true." Yeosang says quietly, mouth pulling into a thin line with thought. "Yknow, he hates you because you're a royal, the royal to make it even worse, and he hates royals because he-"

    Yeosang gets cut off by a sharp knock at the door, followed by someone solely turning the handle and walking in. The first thing my eyes catch on is the distinct white of the Quartermasters hair. He looks more... bedraggled, for lack of better term, than he did the last time I saw him. His hair sticks up in places, and a portion of his midnight purple blouse is untucked. The man looks at the captain, then to Yeosang, not even sparing me a glance.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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