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Them being Blue's clues LMAO

Everyone scattered around the forest as they all went to a random direction. "WAIT!! HOW WILL YOU GUYS CONE BACK?? YOU WILL GET LOST!!" Patrick shouted, "DA LIGHTS! MAEK IT BRIGHT!!" Poob shouted back as Patrick looked at the lights and made a small "oh." Patrick then tried it and made the lights a bit more brighter but accidentally made it TOO bright that it blinded him. He yelled and fell back. He got up and started to fix the lights into the proper lighting. As the others were finding some clues.

Poob was following Pest as Pest sighed and found a clue. There was a huge footsteps, Pest immediately thought that this is probably from a some like beast? "I nevr knew dat Wallter haz huge foots! :3" Poob says, slightly insulting Wallter as Pest couldn't help but broke a giggle. Pest sighed and replied back, "Yeah, i guess the Grey stuff really did payed off. Can't wait to see him weigh more 2000 pounds." Pest snickered as Poob giggled. "Yea! I think we shoud stop neow :3" Poob says as Pest nodded but slightly rolled his eyes about ending the playful banter. "Anyways-- what the hell is that." Pest cutted himself off and pointed at the huge scratches on each trees. "I don think dis is Wallter anymor.." "You think?" Pest sarcastically replied back. "Let's go bacc!!" Poob says as Pest refused. "No. We should find more until everyone else agreed to go back." Pest says in a harsh-like tone as Poob simply nodded. Both of them continued to walk and following the footsteps.

Split, Bive and Spud started to look around as they found a cave. The three of them started to went in the cave with caution. Bive didn't trust the place and started to cling onto Split, the same with Spud. The three of them started to walk forward, looking around as silence fills in the air with suspense. Split then heard a noise. "What was that..?" Split muttered out as Bive flinched, "WHEREWHEREWHERE?!?!?!?!" Bive shouted as Spud slightly flinched. Then, a huge inhumane noise was heard as the three started to run off. "OKAY I THINK THAT'S ENOUGH EVIDENCE!!" Split shouted as they were out of the cave. The three ran off somewhere far and panted lightly. "Okay.. Spud. Wait--.. Where are Spud are we..?" Spud asked as the place was very unfamiliar. "I..- I don't know.." "OH GOD... SPLITSPLITSPLIT!!! WE NEED TO FIND A WAY BACK!!!" Bive panicked as Split sighed. "Don't worry Bive.. We can find a way. I thiink..-- I hope!" Split says optimistically as they grew more anxious. The air was cold, the moon was shining through them yet, everything still looked dark. "..I think we should find a way. Let's go back where we went." Split says as she started to lead the three back, being more alert and aware.

"Mark?" Wallter called out as Mark was somehow missing. "Mark?? Mark, i swear if this is a prank.." Wallter says as he started to slightly panicked, he was worried for Mark and hoping he's okay, especially knowing that Mark has huge scars on his back but, doesn't know what caused it. Wallter started to search for Mark. Time passed as he finally found him. "Mark! Where have you-" Wallter paused at the sight of Mark.. Being on the ground as many more huge scratched and a bite mark?.. Mark's eyed was dull as Wallter panicked. "MARK?!" Wallter then ran up to him and kneeled down. Mark slowly looked up at him, baring his tears. Wallter carefully and slowly picked Mark up but since he was panicking, he accidentally touched Mark's huge injuries roughly, causing him to groan. "Sorry!" Wallter says as he finally got Mark in his arms and started to run off. Wallter scanned through the place and trying to find his way back by looking at his footsteps, luckily, he is made out of concrete and is weigh 2000 pounds, he is able to find his footsteps and followed it quickly. Wallter then heard a noise but ignored it.

Mach, DrRETRO and Pilby was still trying to find clues, luckily, DrRETRO has some cat-like senses and she could hear and see somethings very clearly. DrRETRO was crawling down at the ground like a cat as Mach sighed. "Is this necessary?" Mach asked as DrRETRO replied, "Mrew meow! Purr.. (Of course, sugar! It's necessary for my cat instincts!)" DrRETRO Explained as Mach nodded slightly. Pilby followed behind as Mach kept them close. "Everything is so..-" Pilby cutted themselves off, not knowing what to describe it. "Dark?" Mach replied as Pilby nodded. "I don't like the dark.." "Uh huh. But hey, at least we're in this together." Mach replied reassuringly as Pilby smiled slightly but it slowly turned into a slight frown. They muttered under their breath a 'i hope.' "Hm? What's wrong?" Mach asked as Pilby just replied it casually, saying that it's nothing. Pilby and Mach continued to follow behind DrRETRO as she stopped and started to sniff. ".. What is it?" Mach asked as she got her hammer ready. "Mrew..Meow hiss. (I.. Don't know.)" DrRETRO paused. "Purr mreow meow. (But whatever it is. We should leave.)" DrRETRO says as Mach just sighed and nodded, still gripping her hammer tightly.

Infected and Lampert was being annoyed by Unpleasant and Fleshcousin rambling talking without a reason. It was surprising that Unpleasant was manage to have a some like buddy to a literal creature, but Infected couldn't blame them. Unpleasant was a creature themselves. Unpleasant then had a gut feeling as they stopped in their tracks. "Y0, skibidi sigma's! 1 feel someth1ng!" Unpleasant says, "L1k3 wh4t? Hungry? 1 $ur3 h0p3 y0u'l1 3@t 4 r4nd0m c4t 4r0und h3r3 s0m3h0w." "1'm being s3rious!" Unpleasant says as the three turned to them and sighed. "Then, what is it?" Before Unpleasant was about to reply back, Patrick suddenly turned the lights on in a very bright light and was using a microphone and set it into high volume.

"Everyone!! It's getting late! Come back here right now!! And i found something weird too.."

Patrick shouted as everyone else covered their ears and went back to the campsite.

"..We should go back." Pest says as Poob stopped him. "W8! I foun smth!!" "We can check it tomorrow." Pest replied back as Poob was being stubborn and didn't agreed to. "Fine! Good luck getting lost in here." Pest says harshly and scoffed, walking away with his arms crossed. Poob lets out a small huff and walked forward.
They'd then found a button on the ground and dusted the dust off. They looked around and clicked it. Poob then noticed a timer, not knowing what it is, since the knowing all ability was wearing off.. They walked off and started to run after Pest. "Heii!! I'm donez!" Poob says as Pest sighed. "You really can't catch me a break, won't you?" Pest says sarcastically as Poob nodded. "Lez go! Fastr!!" Poob says and grabbing Pest's hand, running of in a high speed. "AH!" Pest shrieked and tried catching up to Poob until they were now at the campsite. "Wut is it u foun?" Poob asked Patrick, fully ignoring Pest's discomfort and dizziness from the running. "Uhh...That." Patrick says and pointed a..

Countdown timer.

Everyone else was starting to get confused and worried. "Why can't we just leave? What about the elevator?" Pest says, already tired of this. "Sorry to break it to you but..What elevator?" Patrick asked as Pest grew more annoyed. "The elevator you fuckwit, over there--" Pest cutted himself off after seeing no elevator. Everyone started to panic, especially Bive. "Wait.. Where did the elevator go?!" Split says in shock and worry. "ARE WE STUCK HERE?!?! I KNEW IT!!" Bive says, clinging into Split. "How am i supposed to heal Mark?! I don't...I didn't--" "I knew i shouldn't came over here. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GO BACK?!" "Wait so.. I can't go back?.. We can't go back..? :0(" "OKAY OKAY, EVERYONE LISTEN!!!" Patrick shouted impatiently. "Look, i have never seen the elevator you all mention. I just thought you guys drove here all the way from the neighborhood or city!" Patrick Explained as everyone grew more confused. "Neighborhood, city?" Mach repeated as Patrick nodded. "Don't worry! Everyone will be back. Gnarpy is being healed right now so.." Patrick says as everyone grew more confused. "But.. We caem from da elevtor!! U know? Regretevator??" Poob says as Patrick tilted his head, not knowing about it. "...So.. The elevator was missing, we are at some sort of place and not from the Regretevator, and everything is like... Different?" "N0 r3sp4wn1ng??" "No infinite RO-KEA?" "No death-like minigames??" Everyone asked as Patrick just simply said "Yes..?" With a confused tone. "..Oh dear. Is this like.." "A reel world?" Poob says as everyone looked at them and nodded. "Wow, we're.. Here?" DrRETRO says in english as Patrick sighed. "Anyways! This timer is basically a week to last!" Patrick says as everyone tool notes of that.

Everyone then started to settle their tents as Wallter healed Mark and letting him rest.

Poob and Pest were sleeping at the same tent since Poob forgot to bring theirs. "Gn Pestie!" "Mhm." Pest simply hummed as silence filled in the tent. "Arn't u gonna kizz me gn? :(" "No." "Plsss!!" "Fine." Pest then slowly sat up and went to Poob and kissed their forehead, quickly going back to their spot. "Thanks! Gn!" "Uh huh." Silence filled in the air again. "Arn't u gonna say gn back? 3:" "Poob, i am close into jumping off from a cliff. Go to bed." Pest harshly says as Poob sighed and muttered a "oka..sorry." "whatever, walk it off." Pest harshly replied as the both of them fell asleep.

1648 words!
Sorry i just had to put Pest's and Poob's interaction like that 😭

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