"Wake up."

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Just a dream?

Poob and the others kept on running as they ran up the stairs. "Are we there yet?!.." Pilby shouted as they were getting tired. "Juz a lil moar!" Poob says, panting. Then, they made it ontop and closed the door shut. Mark then found a chair and used it to lock the door. Everyone panted heavily and listened to any noise. There isn't, this place is safe. "H..Huh?.. Are we at the roof.. Or something?" Lampert says as he calmed down his breathing. Split then went to the edge and looked down, her eyes widened as she saw no ground. This place is pretty high but it only took them at least 20 minutes to run up here. "Uhh... Guys?.. Where are we??" Split asked as everyone followed her direction and her gaze. They were dumbfounded at the sight of a endless like building. This isn't the house. They'd then slightly panicked as Mark sat down and sighed, putting down his rope and axe. "U oka, Markie? :[" Poob asked as Mark nodded. "Jus' fine." Mark says as Lampert then felt something weird, he felt like he's about to levitate? Something like that. "I feel kinda...Windy today?" "Gassy?" Pilby asked as Lampert shook his head. "No, like, windy. Cold." Lampert says as suddenly,

He disappeared into thin air.

"Lampert?!" Pilby shouted at Lampert disappearing. "Huh-- wai' WHERE'S LAMPERT?!" Mark shouted as Split looked around, not knowing where. Suddenly, Fleshcousin came as it groaned in exhaustment. "Fleshcousin?! You okay??" Split was concerned as she checked up on it. Then, they noticed that things were a bit too quiet. Poob is gone. "Poob?! Where's everyone?!" Split shouted as Pilby and Mark was also missing. Split then looked down at Fleshcousin who was no longer there. She panicked as she closed her eyes and..

She woke up.

She gasped and looked around, she saw that she was at a room with Bive scribbling her notebook. "Bive..?" Split muttered as Bive flinched. "AH! WHO'S-- oh. SPLIT!!!!" Bive shouted in excitement and hugged her. Split hugged back as Bive smiled widely. "Hey, Bivey.." Split says lovingly, making Bive's heart flutter, she stammers and cleared her throat. "Anyways...ARE YOU OKAY?? I SAW YOU PASS OUT ON THE GROUND AND I THOUGHT THE MANNEQUINS WERE AFTER YOU!!!" Bive says as Split sighed. "Ah, yeah.. Well, about that.. I just got a bit dizzy by the road. It was quiet bumpy! Hehe.." Split says awkwardly and nervously. "OH! OH...Oh .. THAT'S GREAT!" Bive says happily as Split smiled. "Anyways.. What time is it?.." Split muttered as she looked at the time. It was 6:07 in the morning. 'Gosh, that quick..?' Split says as she yawned tiredly. She got up from the bed and walked out of the room. She got down the stairs and went to the kitchen, seeing the other 5. Split noticed that they looked tired and droopy, especially Poob. Split then sat on the table and got her plate already, it was given by Pilby. "Here.." Pilby says, handing her plate as she smiled tiredly, "Thanks." Split says kindly as she ate her meal. Poob then glanced at the others and sighed. "Sooo... How wuz eep?" Poob asked as everyone simply said. "Fine." In unison, Poob wasn't surprised and nodded simply. Poob then thought for a while on what to say next, "..Anie bad dreems l8ly?" Poob asked as Fleshcousin rambled. "Dream chase Beast from the woods." Everyone then caught all of their attention to the rambling creature as they all realized. "Wait... So, it wasn't a dream?.." Split says as Mark got confused. "I dunno.. Are y'all sure that wus' a dream?" Mark says as all of them shook their head. "...Wha' do we do 'now?" Mark asked as Wallter walked in the kitchen.

"Good mor- oh! Dear.. What happened to you six?" Wallter asked in worry, mostly glancing at Mark. "Eer.. Nothin'" Mark nonchalantly says, or atleast tried being nonchalant. "Nothing? All of you looked like walking zombies!" Wallter says as Poob spoke "Ouh, uh.. We fainted.. U know?" "Yes, i know. But that happened yesterday!" Wallter says as everyone sighed. "Well.. Hopefully you all will get some rest later on." Wallter says, walking in the kitchen as Fleshcousin dunked it's head to the table out of exhaustment. Poob sighed, "Me too, Fleshy. Me too." Poob then did what Fleshcousin did as they tried to at least get some sleep, even if it's on the table. "Poob, Fleshcousin, wake up!" Split says as both of them woke up, "We need to figure this out!" Split says as Pilby stood up tiredly and went to the living room with a yawn. They saw Mach and Pest on the couch, Mach was sitting elegantly as Pest was sitting like some homeless guy who is just melting on the couch. "Pilby! Good morning." Mach says as Pilby sat next to her. "..You seem tired, you passed out yesterday too. Are you alright?" Mach asked as Pilby nodded. "..Got a bad dream.." Pilby says as Mach got a tad worried and slightly confused, how can Pilby get tired after nearly a day of sleeping? "Say .. It's still early and the others are still sleeping so, get some rest." Mach says as Pilby thought for a while after nodding their head. "Okay, thanks.." Pilby says with a tired smile as Mach nodded please-fully, Pilby got out of the couch and went upstairs to the room, heading back go bed. As they were going back to bed, they sighed and tried to sleep.

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