Off to Auradon

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      I wake up at 10:21 am. I get up and stretch going to my window and peering out at the streets below. People are walking around shopping, talking and laughing. I then look out past the border seeing kilometers of land. I think about my kingdom, we were respectful and believed in fair punishment, so I guess that's why we were separated from the Heartland. The story's I've heard are shocking.

    I've never been outside the border. From what I can see, life is very different. Animals run around tricking and hurting each other. A cat lives out there, among the dark dead trees. A grin that reaches both ears, magenta stripes. His eyes are yellow like the sand on our beaches. 

     "Ahem!" The white rabbit clears his throat. I turn around swiftly. "Snowy, you know how many times I've caught you with your head in the clouds?" he scolds. I laugh putting my hand up near my mouth. My mother always said I never payed attention, that my mind was somewhere else. And maybe being in Wonderland, maybe being stuck in this castle all the time made me this way.

     "Oh I'm sorry Rabbit! I was thinking," I explain, walking up to him. "What is the agenda for today?" I sit in front of him on my knees, the icy floor sending chills throughout me. He clears his throat and hands me a list, I take it thanking him quickly.

    "Your list!" he proclaims. I scan it over, skipping to my lunch time. Have lunch with Prince Edwin?!? "Are you kidding me?" I groan softly dropping the piece of paper. One thing I hated doing was all these meetings, all these dates. Picking a prince to help me rule the kingdom.

     "If you picked your prince," the rabbit chimes in, bowing down and picking up the paper, "We wouldn't have to give you a million lunch dates to go to." He shakes the paper near my face, tapping his foot. "Your mother wants  you down to breakfast in about..." He hums, reaching into his coat, taking out his pocket watch. "...In about 30 minutes! Don't be late, Snow," he warns, shoving it into his coat. His nose twitches. I nod picking myself up from the floor, hanging onto the white wood of my bed frame.

     "Alright, thank you rabbit," I say smiling down at him. He hops towards the door, using his small arms to open it. I walk to my dresser, brushing my blonde hair back into a half up half down style. I make sure to pull it extra tight, then secure it with a white bow. I look into my mirror. I bend over opening the wooden drawer, pulling out a white dress. I hike up the dress, wiggling my body to fit. I hold my breath as I take the two strings, pulling them as tightly as possible, then tying the string into a cute little bow. I pull on my stockings, then slip into my converse.

((You don't have to wear that! I'll try to keep it so you can wear pants if that's what you choose))

       I look at my alarm clock cursing at myself. I dash down the stairs, hopping onto the railing holding my arms out for balance as I slide down.

       "You received a letter, Snowflake," my mother says looking down at her plate with a smile on her lips. A letter? I never get letters?'

       "Do you have any clue from?" I ask her as I walk into the room. Mother shakes her head no, so I grab it quickly shredding the paper. It flies up into the air, and an unfamiliar voice speaks,

"Dear Queen of White, Empress of the Kingdom of White,
As the new principal of Auradon Prep, it is my honor to invite your daughter, Snow, the princess of the kingdom of White, to attend our school. She has been accepted, along with Princess Red of Heartland. I hope you will join us for our welcome day ceremony, if you accept this letter this invitation shall serve as your key."


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