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James POV

My eyes pop open, I reach around Snows bed, she wasn't there, and it felt she hadn't been for a while. I sit up stretching my arms and rolling my wrists. 'Must've went to the bathroom' I get up knocking on Snowy's and Maleficent's bathroom door.

"Darling?" I whisper against the door. No answer, I knock again, still no answer. I open the door. Snowy is no where to be found. "Mal, have you seen Snow this morning?" I turn back around settling my hands on my hips. She takes a deep breath and points to Snowy's dresser.

"I didn't... She left a note." Mal's cold voice broke. I walk to the dresser, a note and necklace sit on top.

      "Dear James,
              Good morning hun. I'm so sorry. I had to leave, and I wouldn't bother looking for me, I'll be long gone by the time you wake up. I just wanted to tell you how much I will miss you, and how much it pains me to leave you like this. See you in the future,
                                                       Love, Snowy"

     I read the note quietly out loud, every word making me panic. No... She ran away? Did someone talk her? My breath quickens as I take the necklace left on her dresser.

    "Did you- Did you know?" I turn back to Mal, my vision blurring with tears. She shook her head no, her gaze full of sympathy. My eyes travel back to the note, the go the necklace.

   "James sit down... I know," She trailed off sadness filling her voice. "I know this is a lot."

   "No. You don't understand," I hold the note rereading every word, analyzing every sentence. "I can't just leave this!" Tears escape my eyes, they burn. The only woman I had real feelings for ran- Ran away from us. I start to hyperventilate, clutching onto the note.

     "James you need to sit down." Mal stands up putting her shoes on. "We can look after you can think straight." She walks towards me, leading me to Snowy's bed.

    "No! We have to look!" I push her off walking to the door. I take one look back wiping the tears and run out of the room.

    "James!" Mal yells desperately. "James come back!" She runs after me, I look in every hall. Pushing past the students, all of this rooms are empty. I slow down making my way to the lounge area.

      'Shes gone. She's gone and it's all your fault James.' The thought rings in my head a million times. 'She left because you weren't good enough. You've never been good enough! For your mom, for your dad, for Snowy.' I sink into one of the arm chairs, sobbing quietly into my knees. 'She ran away because you were an awful person. You never once showed good enough affection.' I hide myself, how silly of me, James Hook, crying over a lass. But who was I kidding that wasn't any lass, she was my lass. Mine.

        "Oh James." Maleficent sits next to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "It's not your fault. We will find her." Her hand rubs my back soothingly.

    "But what if all of this was my fault? She left because I sucked." I look up at her, scanning her face for any confirmation that it was my fault.

    "No!" She laughed patting my knee. "Let's go look, alright? Where have you looked?" She stands up, offering me her hand. I take a deep breath, grabbing her hand and standing up.

       "All the classrooms." My legs move themselves, taking me out of the lounge. I shoot glares at the people who stare at me.

      "See there's the awful James I know." She slaps my back and walks behind me. "The courtyards?" She suggests leading me to the closest one.

    "Yeah, that's fine." My eyes stay on the floor, she walks faster than me. The hall is empty as Mal turns to the right.

   "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone." I start, My steps coming to a halt. "It's not warm when she's away." Memory's of Snowy come rushing back to me. "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, and she'll be gone to long, anytime she goes away." Tears prick my eyes, I blink them away. So many things remind me of her, these halls we walked through on our first date. The way her hair smelt like Strawberry's and Fresh snow. "Wonder where she's gone." The thought of her alone in the woods crosses my eyes. "Wonder if she's going to stay..." Her smile clouds my vision, the way her eyes light up with it. "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, and this place just ain't no home anytime she goes away." I take a few steps forward, looking out the window at the nice weather. "And I know, I know, I know, I know..." I repeat the phrase many times as I walk very slowly. "Hey I ought to leave this thing alone, but there ain't no sunshine when she's gone." I remember the only other time I had ever felt so empty, so utterly alone, my mother had died, leaving me with my awful father. "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone," I repeat, every step every memory becomes more vivid. "Only darkness everyday, Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, and this place just ain't no home, anytime she goes away." I finish the song, as Mal runs back around the corner.

    "You okay? Cmon." She takes my wrist dragging me to the nearest courtyard. We look through the vast amount of trees, we even climb them.

      "No use, she's not here." I shout up into the tree where Mal is stuck halfway up. My heart physically hurts, I have never experienced such thing. I had just met this girl 4 days ago, and I felt so deeply about her.

     "Next one." Mal nods giving me a reassuring smile. She leads us throughout the halls, into the next courtyard, the biggest one. I huff looking around putting my hands onto my hips.

    "We sure about this? You think we would have found her by now if she was in school." I look back to Mal my tone full of sorrow.

    "You love her?" Mal faces me her gaze dead but curios. I never thought about that... Every time I was with her it felt as if I would be fine, All this pent up shit would cure itself.

    "Yes." I nod with a grin playing on my lips. I did love her... More than words could describe I loved her. There were roughly one million words and not one could describe how strong my feelings were for Snowflake. She was mine, my Snowflake.

    "Then get looking." She turned walking towards the trees.

Authors Note!
Aw how cute, he's in love with us 😍✋🏻
Anyway, I am starting a new book! It's called "My Last Love" for now (august 8) it only has the attention and cast chapters. It's Hades x Maleficent x reader

And holy hell I know how bad I'm glazing James rn. He would definitely not act this sweet but wtv!!!! 

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