Hades the God of Worry

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Hades POV

Gone, like a fart in the wind, Mal was gone. She was right infront of me, then that fucking watch took her from me.

    "Where'd they go!?" I called out looking around the crowd. Nothing was left of them, nothing.


     My bed feels empty, my mind running with a million thoughts. My back is against the blankets in my bed and my hand stays on my stomach, the other fidgets with my ember.

"Look, moping around isn't going to change the fact that that watch did something to them." Morgie says lying down on Hooks bed, his head facing me. I scoff placing my ember on the stand.

"Did you watch the love of your life disappear? Right in front of your eyes?" I shoot swinging my legs over the bed, pointing my finger at him. This kid didn't know anything about me.

He gets off the bed, stretching his limbs. A frown plasters his face as he looks at me with pity.

"No," I shake my head leaning my forearms on my knees. "Don't look at me like that, I don't need or want your pity."

"You're in a fucking slump, man." He try's to explain throwing his hands up. The room is thick with tension, the argument heating the room. "I'm worried, That's all."

"Oh come on!" I stand up, pacing around the room. "I'm fine. Just waiting for them to come back." My legs stop moving, at this point they felt almost numb.

"And if they don't?" He sits back on the bed, his arms holding his body upright. I take a deep breath, looking at my ember for comfort.

"They will." My voice stays barely above a whisper, scared of the unspoken truth. "Mal would never leave us, Hook too." Morgie snorts looking out the window, what was so funny? "What!?" I glare at him, the smug smile making me want to punch him.

"I'm not smart but I'm aware enough to know that you're in too deep." 'In too deep?' Of course I was in worried! We had been in love for 2 years!

"Fuck this." I huff walking out of the dormitory, slamming the door. Morgie had no clue what he was talking about, not one.

Authors note!
So this chapter was really fucking short. I just wanted to make a little Hades lore.

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