Convos and Dinner

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Red's POV

"So what are we going to do?" Fay sits down on the white couch tapping her fingers against her knee.

"We have to go to Wonderland. And bring the watch." I lean forward resting my arms on my thighs. Chloe sits down next to me rubbing my back soothingly. "We'll have to bring everyone."

"We can do that. But we have to talk about what happened." Chloe chimes in from behind me, her hand still on my back.

     "Snowy's going to want to leave." I declare looking over to Chloe. "I saw the way she looked at him. She's going to try and leave."

     "We don't know that." Fay utters fixing her hair. I shake my head stopping her, I knew her. She was going to try and leave, we can't let her.

Snowy's POV

    It was dinner time, the bell rang with a loud chime. I groan pushing the covers off of Hook and I.

"What was that?" He sits up looking around the room.

"The dinner bell, cmon." I stood up stretching my arms, holding my hand out to him. He takes it gratefully standing up next to me, stretching as well. Our eyes are on the other the whole time, his messy hair and tired eyes were quite attractive. The smirk on his lips and the way his dimples could be seen was also very attractive.

"Well? Let's get to dinner lass." He remarked grabbing the back of my head, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. His warm lips linger making my skin tingle, it feels so nice.

"Yeah." I pull away a smile creeping onto my face, our fingers stay intertwined. He dosent put his hook back on, I guess I was going to keep it. I slip on my converse as best as possible, holding my knee to my chest tying them. I stumble around, not being able to stay still.

"Let me help you love." He chuckles as he sits on the ground with one knee up, patting it. I reluctantly put my foot onto his thigh, holding his shoulder with one hand. He ties the shoe quickly, faster than I ever could. "Other one." He states setting my right foot down, picking up the other by my calf. And just like before, the shoe is tied in less than ten seconds.

   "Ready?" I whisper watching as he takes my foot off of his knee, standing up. He shakes his head grabbing my hand.

    "Whenever you are my love." James reply's walking out of the door, dragging me with him. The halls are filled with students walking to the cafeteria. "Isn't your principal going to notice I don't go here?" He whispers turning his head down to me. I hadn't thought of that.

    "I mean..." I mutter looking up to him, our feet still moving. "I doubt she will care. A bunch of VKs are new." There are many people I have never seen before that definitely looked like VKs.

    We make it to the dinner hall walking inside. The round plastic tables are filled with friend groups, a door leads to the seating outside. Hook and I walk waiting in the line.

   "Where's Mal?" I ask looking throughout the teens waiting in line. She waves to me from behind us, a frown on her face. "Ah there." I wave her over, getting dirty looks thrown at me.

    "Hey. I told the headmaster... Uma?" She hesitated thinking, she leans against the wall. "Uma. That we were new."

    James nods taking a few steps forward, moving up in the line. His hand pulls me to his side, wrapping his other arm around my waist. A weight falls carefully falls onto my head which I can only assume is his head.

    "How are we going to go back?" Mal whispers crossing her arms. Her face was covered in worried, her arm tapping the skin of her elbow.

    "We have to go to Wonderland." Red announces form behind Mal, making her jump.

    "Jesus Christ, couldn't give a warning?" Mal shoots her a glare, making James chuckle.

   "Sorry, but we have to travel to Wonderland," She states glancing at me. "And meet Maddox. So he can fix the watch and get you guys on your way." I snort quietly, looking down with a shake of my head.

     "Can I stay? I don't want to go." I confess, wrapping my arms around James arm. "Mom will want to see me, and I cant deal with her right now." His thumb rubs soothingly on my hip, giving a bit of comfort.

    "We aren't going to the white kingdom, just Heartland." Red assures me before turning back to Chloe and Fay.

'This will be a shit show.'


     We get are food after about five minutes waiting in line. All the tables inside are filled, so we make our way out finding one in a secluded corner.

    "How long do you think it'll take? For him to fix it?" I ask Red as she sits across from me. The tables outside are way nicer than the ones in, a square table with three chairs on each side.

    "I don't know, the sooner the better." She huffs take a spoonful of chicken noodle soup. 'Sooner the better?' I scoff narrowing my eyes at her.

    "And why's that?" I declare maintaining eye contact with her, she swallows the soup.

   "You won't get more attached if they leave soon." She answers nonchalantly, leaning back into the chair. "We can all tell you're already attached to him." She points her spoon at hook, a frown on her face.

   "So? Why's there a problem with that?" I remark with a slight frown as well. "Because the last I knew, you were attached to the thought of having a good mom!"

  "Okay that's enough..." Chloe states putting her hand on Reds chest.

     "Actually I don't think it is, Charming." I cross my arms, turning to her. "I have waited years to have a friend." I exclaim glancing between the two. "And when I do, they get taken away because you dragged me into this shitty situation." I point a finger at Red, my eyebrows narrowed. "So excuse me if I'm a little 'attached.'" I quote with my fingers standing up, taking the blue tray with me.

   "Snowflake eat." Red puts her hand on my tray her voice begging me to sit.

  "Don't fucking call me that. It's not yours to use." I jerk the tray away making my way inside the building.

Authors note
Drama 😱
I'm so sorry about the wait! I'm juggling two books and trying to give each one over 1000 words.

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