Goodbye to the Past

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      "Did you see Ulianas face when she opened up the book!" Chloe laughed as we walk into their shared room. "She was like..." She holds her hands out and groaned dramatically.

    "I wish I could see her while she's stuck at home on the night of Castle Coming." Red tells us with a huge smile on her face. "I bet she's like... 'Hmm'" Red pouts, looking at Chloe, admiring her.

     "Wait are we sure she won't be there?" Chloe sticks her hands up her face serious.

     "Uh yeah. The VKs are gonna be in detention forever," Red holds the book tighter. "And even if they could go to Castle Coming, with no cookbook, there's no way they can do the prank." Red looks at me for confirmation I nod putting my hand on Chloe's shoulder. "We did it!" Chloe hugs Red holding her tightly.

    "Well." I clap my hands together pointing my pointer fingers at them. "You guys have some things to talk about." I back up towards the door. "Night guys, we're meeting tomorrow to leave?" I look between the two, Chloe nods watching Red. I walk outside their dorm watching them hug.

     I open the door to my dorm, Maleficent, Hades, Hook, and Morgie sit inside. I freeze looking at them.

    "Hi..." I whisper looking at the four, crossing my arms. "What's- What's going on?" I look around making sure Uliana wasn't there.

    "Chill lass," Hook stands up holding his hand out to me, I look at his hand. His skin was a nice tan color, veins stuck out and calluses were on his fingertips. My eyes travel back to his eyes, I take his hand my touch uncertain.

    "Why are you not murdering me?" I look at the four, Morgie is slouched in Maleficent's black comfy chair, Hades and Mal cuddle in her bed.

     "We're too tired to, but trust me, Uliana hates you three." Morgie says nonchalantly, rubbing his temples. James leads me to my bed, sitting me down. His soft lips meet my knuckles, peppering kisses.

    A few minutes later Morgie said goodbye and made his way back to his dormitory. The shared TV was on, playing an episode of 'Teen Titans Go!'

    "I need to change." I mumble getting up off of James chest. The drawer creaks open as I look through the pajamas, some silk, some cotton, some fuzzy. The comfiest thing I could find were soft black shorts, a big grey shirt, and black socks. Good enough.

As I walk into the bathroom I sit on the toilet seat confused. Why wasn't I dead and why are they acting so nonchalantly about all of this?

I walk back out into the room, James looks back at me a smirk creeping onto his face as he scans my body, lingering on different spots. He beckons me over patting his chest. My heart flutters, it shouldn't be, it can't be. But it does. I crawl onto my bed and he waits his arms open.

Why was I here? He was nothing like the story's in my library. And when my head falls onto his chest, and when he wraps his arms around my torso, everything feels okay. Like this moment would last forever and I wish it could.

His hand strokes my hair, his cologne fills my nostrils, the sea and wood. The hook is wrapped around my right wrist, the cold metal felt good. He brings his head down, nuzzling it into my hair, kissing my scalp.

My mother never gave me affection, no matter how much she was around. And this felt so good but soon enough I would leave it all behind. My breath slows and my eyes feel heavy.


The sun peaks through the sheer curtains, stirring my sleep. I groan quietly looking up at James, his hair is every which and his eyes are shut. His hand is on my back, and his hook was hanging off the bed. Sitting there, looking at him, wondering if I could stay here. But obviously I know the answer. I shimmy out of his arms, grabbing my clothing.

The morning passes slowly, the minutes tick by taunting me. When the others wake up, I won't be there, and it feels like shit. I write James a note, tears forming in my eyes.

Dear James,
Good morning hun. I'm so sorry. I had to leave, and I wouldn't bother looking for me, I'll be long gone by the time you wake up. I just wanted to tell you how much I will miss you, and how much it pains me to leave you like this. See you in the future,
Love, Snowy

I leave him my necklace. Maybe he will be there when I get back. I laugh at myself, at all of this, this situation was so fucked up. It wasn't fair, but life- love wasn't fair. I put the note on the mirror, hanging it with tape. It was time to leave and it was bittersweet. I quietly exit the dormitory, walking down the hallway. Red and Chloe wait outside their dorm and smile when they see me.

"Hey guys." I try to sound as fine as possible. "We ready for the future?"

"Yes, I'm so ready to leave this damn place." Chloe chuckles intertwining hands with Red as we leave the school. We walk back into the same courtyard, up the stairs. Fuck me.

"Alright. It's go time." Red pulls out the watch grabbing my hand. I hold hers tightening my grip.

"Oh! Oh wait." I remember, rummaging into my jacket. They stare at me confused. I pull out my watch. "Here," I hold it out to Red. "I took it... Just in case." I say shamefully.

"Wait you just took it? How?" Chloe's grip tightens on Red. I shrug her off.

"Dosent matter now does it?" I give her a small smile, grabbing Red's hand.


Fuck time travel, and fuck sweat.

We land atop the stairs, just like before. Everyone was back, all of the family's.

"Shit!" Red yelled quietly. I turn to her quickly.

"What? What happened?" Chloe leaned closer to her. Red looked between us.

"I dropped the watch."


Authors note!
Omg so we're getting into the juicy stuff. It's coming along!!


I'm going to be making a new book soon! I think it will be Hades x reader. OR Maleficent x Hades x reader. What'd you think?

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