something wrong riddle?

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I walked out of the room and back into the common room. Astoria must have gone up to her room or somewhere else because she wasn't anywhere to be found. How I liked it. 

"Mia! Finally. We were getting bored without you." Theo motioned for me to sit in between him and Mattheo. 

"Of course you guys did. What would you ever do without me?" I jokingly said as I plopped down in between them.

"Suffer tremendously." Theo laughed. 

I scanned the room looking for anybody I knew. There I saw Aiden Lockhart. His dad was pretty famous but he didnt really care for any of that. We dated last year but things ended up getting messy when Draco and Enzo beat the living hell out of him for touching me a 'wrong way' at a party. I threw him a quick smile and wave. He returned the favor. 

"Okay. We need to start talking about how badass we are going to be this year. Its our last year for merlin's sake!" Theo cried out. He was all about changing his personality each year.  

"Do you mean how many girls you are going to get Nott?" Mattheo said smirking as he took a sip of his drink.

"I personally think one of you should settle down this year. Not be a whore, you know?" I said staring at Enzo. I was doing this for Stella's sake.

"What are you trying to say, Lestrange?" Enzo looked up from his glass.

"Take Stella on a date. A proper date please. Somewhere nice." 

"You have got to be kidding. I like the girl and all but come on. My options are still open." He scoffed. "I will see."

I let out a big wide smile. "Good. Maybe him doing that will set an example. I'm tired of being friends with complete whores."

"Hey, we aren't whores. At least not all of us." Draco laughed.

"Whatever. I can point at one girl and all of you have at least had something going on with her." I rolled my eyes.

"You cannot." Draco scoffed.

I pointed at Astoria and they all looked down at they feet. "My point exactly." 

As the time passed more and more people started to leave the common room and back to their dorms by their self or with someone. Then it was just us in the common room.

"Finally. Everybody has left." I said as I leaned back into the chair. I was tired of waving and smiling at everybody. It was hard being someone everybody liked.

"More time for me to go to sleep. Goodnight fellas." Theo stood up and took a long stretch then headed back upstairs. Enzo and Draco did the same. Leaving me and Mattheo in the common room. 

"Don't tell me Mattheo Riddle is going to help me clean up." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms while standing next to a trash bin. 

"I have nothing better else to do." He said picking up a stack of red cups on the floor. I couldnt help but stare as to how he was actually helping me instead of leaving me. 

"Ah. Let me guess. Astoria left with someone else tonight?" 

"Yes but thats not the reason. I hope you know me and that girl are not dating. Not after the way she was all on Theo. He scoffed.

"All of you guys say you arent dating her but seem to always become a seat for her. Always in your guys dorms. Wearing your guys numbers at games, wearing shirts and pants." I say picking up the remaining empty liquor bottles on the counters. 

"Who knows, we might be replacing you. You are the same way with us." 

"Im irreplaceable Matt. You know this and its different with me. You guys are basically like my brothers. She has been in bed with every single one of you." 

"You're right you are. She's just a groupie. Me and her haven't had any dealings since last year." He plops back down into the couch grabbing a beer.

"Tough. So whose the lucky girl this year?" I follow right behind him except with a juice in my hand. If i drink any more I might throw up.

"Nobody. Atleast not until I find the right girl." He takes a sip of his beer and makes eye contact with me. 

"You took what I said into consideration? That means so much to me Matt." I hold my chest with a sad face.

"Whatever. Its true though. We are getting older and soon we are turning 18 so we need to find wives or else our parents will flip out." He says with a smirk on his face.

This was the time I took to notice every feature about him. I noticed all the scars and scratches on his face and neck. There were so many, to many to count. He had a scar on his nose that fit his face just right. It made everything come together. 

"Earth to Mia!" he waved his hand infront of my face breaking my gaze upon him.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked sitting back up.

"Nothing, you should get going to bed, we are all cleaned up here." He stood up and reached his hand out for mine. 

"Such an honor, Mattheo walking me to my dorm for the first time in merlin knows how many years. Im shocked." I whispered.

"Shut it and come on Lestrange." He huffed. 

I took his hand and we walked to my room. We got to the door and we stopped. 

"Is this how muggles feel when it comes to the end of prom night? I expected a little more, kind of disappointing." I said as I leaned on my doorframe.

Mattheo kind of just stared at me, no words, just eyes on mine. 

"Something wrong Riddle?" I was confused as to why he was just staring, like I was a few minutes ago. Maybe he was admiring me as well or maybe I had something in my teeth. Before I could ask another question his lips met mine. No words exchanged or anything. He just walked off before I could even open my eyes. 

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