vittorio: cleaning them up after they got into a fight

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he sits there on the bathroom counter, wincing as you dab antiseptic over his cut. he had a cheeky grin on his face, yet he couldn't help but let out an occasional whimper.

"are you proud of me?" he teases.

you roll your eyes. "proud of what? the fact that you got into a fight? or that i have to clean your sorry ass right now?" you say.

he chuckles, flinching a little as you press the antiseptic on him a bit harder. "come on, you're loving this. get to see me all beat up and take care of me." he says, his voice dripping with confidence that he didn't look remotely close to right now.

you scoff, trying to hide your amusement as you continue to patch him up. "yeah, i'm loving this. your bruised up face looks great on you." you say with sarcasm, gently cleaning the cut on his lip.

he grins, his eyes sparkling with mischief despite the pain he's in. "aw, come on, admit it. you love being the one to take care of me. you love it when i need you." he teases, clearly trying to get a rise out of you.

"you're insufferable, you know that?" you say, trying to keep your voice even as you finish patching him up.

he grins wider, clearly enjoying your reaction. "yeah, but you love it. admit it." he says, reaching out to grab your hand gently. "you're addicted to taking care of me. it's your favorite thing to do."

"shut up," you grumble, looking away as you try to hide your emotions.

"come on, give me a kiss, i'm hurt." he pouts, feigning hurt.

you try to keep a straight face, but his eyes and his pouting makes it hard for you to resist. you hesitate for a moment before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "there, happy now?" you say, trying to sound annoyed.

he grins, clearly satisfied. "not yet. i want one on the lips." he reaches out and gently pulls you closer, his hand resting on your hip.

"ah- nope, not kissing you there. you literally have a cut on your lip." you say, crossing your arms.

he pouts even more, and you can't help but find his expression adorable. "come on, don't be like that. my lips miss your lips." he says, his voice low and seductive.

"no, no kissing. you're injured." you say firmly, even though you're starting to cave in.

he lets out a dramatic sigh, feigning disappointment. "fine, i'll wait until i'm all healed up then. and then i'm gonna kiss you until your lips are sore."

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